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#615 : Chute libre (Partie 2)

Repas de famille avec les parents de Marco. Alex présente sa nouvelle petite amie. Paige subit trop de stress. Peter et Darcy donnent à manger à des personnes qui en ont besoin.

Titre VO
Free fallin' (Part 2)

Titre VF
Chute libre (Partie 2)

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Plus de détails

Scénario : Nicole Demerse
Réalisation : Phil Earnshaw

Guest stars : Matt Steinberg (Personne des admissions), Nicholas Carella (Kevin), Genelle Williams (Clara Carlisle)

> Captures

Une partie de la chambre de Paige a pris feu. Le responsable des chambres intervient et éteint le feu à l'aide d'un extincteur. Pour éviter les ennuis, Paige lui explique que son ordinateur a pris feu à la suite d'un court circuit.

Dès le lendemain, Paige vient voir son professeur pour lui demander d'avoir un peu plus de temps pour rendre son devoir. Sur le chemin, elle est interrompue par Alex qui lui téléphone. En effet, celle-ci l'appelle pour prendre des nouvelles et pour lui dire qu'elle vient d'obtenir une bonne note.

Une fois la conversation finie, Paige essaye tant bien que mal de demander du temps supplémentaire à Mme James mais celle-ci ne veut rien savoir. Paige tente de se justifier en lui disant qu'elle a eu des problèmes de famille et que son appartement a pris feu.

A Degrassi, dans le bureau de Mme Hatzilakos, Peter se fait disputer par ses parents qui sont furieux d'apprendre qu'il a conduit sans permis et que sa voiture est désormais à la fourrière. Les parents de Peter, qui sont divorcés, profitent de cet incident pour se rejetter la faute l'un sur l'autre. Darcy assiste à cette scène...

A Banting, Paige essaye de commencer son devoir mais elle est interrompue par le responsable des dortoirs qui est surpris de voir qu'elle a récupéré son ordinateur... Lorsqu'il s'en va, Paige cherche sur internet des sites payants pouvant l'aider à faire son travail...

A Degrassi, Darcy vient en aide à Peter en lui offrant une carte de bus, étant donné qu'il ne peut toujours pas conduire. Peter lui explique alors que ses parents se disputent et que lui se retrouve au milieu sans pouvoir agir... Il prend cette situation à la rigolade et en profite pour donner rendez-vous à Darcy dans le parc en fin d'après-midi...

Il est maintenant 17h. Paige vient voir Mme James et lui rend son devoir à temps comme il était prévu. D'abord surprise de voir qu'elle a réussi, la dame regarde brièvement son devoir et s'aperçoit qu'elle l'a déjà vu plusieurs fois en l'espace de quelques années. Furieuse, elle lui met un zéro pointé.
Cette décision fait réfléchir Paige et elle lui annonce alors qu'elle quitte Banting.

Dans le parc, Darcy arrive et s'aperçoit que le rendez-vous n'est pas très conventionnel. En effet, Peter est dans le parc pour effectuer ses multiples punitions. Il est corvé de nettoyer toutes sortes de saleté et il en profite pour demander à Darcy de l'aider. Pour cela, elle doit demander au révérend d'embaucher davantage Peter pour que sa peine soit réduite...

De son côté, Alex se retrouve au Dot avec son amie Carla pour fêter son bon résultat à un examen. Paige arrive par surprise et s'invite dans la discussion.

Le soir, Paige et Alex passent la soirée ensemble. Paige dort en effet chez Alex car il n' y a plus de place chez elle pour le moment. Paige n'ose pas dire à Alex pour quelle raison elle est revenue. Elle préfère dire que ses amis lui manquaient. Dans la confusion, elle se met à embrasser Alex ce qui la gène...

Le lendemain, Paige prépare le petit déjeuner dans le but de s'excuser. Alex commence à se demander sérieusement pour quelle raison Paige revient si souvent en ville en ce moment. Elle arrive cependant à éviter la conversation et décide de partir prendre l'air. Elle lui annonce cependant qu'elle reviendra pour le karaoké que ses amis organisent.

De son côté, Peter remercie Darcy de l'aider à raccourcir sa peine...

Paige se rend ensuite au centre d'admission de l'université de Toronto. En effet, elle est bien décidée à quitter Banting et aimerait intégrer l'université de Toronto dès maintenant pour ne pas perdre un an. Le responsable des inscriptions lui dit alors que pour cela, elle doit lui fournir les résultats de ses partiels...
Furieuse, Paige s'en va et fond en larmes dans sa voiture.

Le soir, Peter se rend devant chez Darcy, à vélo. Il tente de la réveiller en lancant des cailloux sur sa fenêtre. La jeune fille sort et découvre que Peter est là. Il lui explique alors qu'il se fiche d'avoir des ennuis, et qu'il veut simplement passer du temps avec elle.

Marco, Spinner, Jimmy et Alex retrouvent Paige à la soirée karaoké. Là, Paige leur annonce qu'elle compte les rejoindre à l'université de Toronto.
A la fin de la soirée, Paige et Alex font le plein d'essence de la voiture. Alex essaye encore de savoir la vraie raison de son retour mais Paige continue de mentir. Pendant qu'elle tourne le dos, Alex découvre dans le coffre de la voiture, que Paige a obtenu de mauvais résultats à des examens.

Le lendemain, Darcy essaye de faire des efforts et propose à Peter un planning pour mieux organiser leur temps ensemble. La mère de Peter essaye, elle, de lui mettre des batons dans les roues en l'inscrivant à des groupes d'aide.

Paige et Alex discutent au Dot. Paige essaye de trouver désormais un appartement puisqu'elle compte bien rejoindre l'université de Toronto. Cette idée n'enchante pas vraiment Alex qui ne dit pas un mot. Soudain, la mère de Paige arrive. En effet, Alex a pris la liberté de parler de la situation de Paige à sa mère puisqu'elle ne l'a dit à personne. Furieuse contre Alex, Paige est tout de même soulagée de pouvoir parler de ses problèmes à sa mère qui promet de l'aider.
Après avoir parlé à Alex, Paige commence à réfléchir à sa situation.

In Paige’s dorm room

(The fire is being put out by her RA as people watch from the hall.)

Paige: I don’t know what happened. I was studying and then suddenly I’m staring into Dante’s Inferno.

Kevin: This could have been a lot worse.

Paige: Kevin you are my fire-fighting resident’s assistant hero.

Kevin: I’m not gonna find any melted wax in the bottom of this trashcan, am I?

(Paige shuts the door.)

Paige: Um (something?) candle? No of course not. Um my computer, it must have spontaneously combusted.

Kevin: Grab your stuff. You can crash in the common room tonight. You may have to live there for a while.

Paige: I have got to do a, a 20-page essay and, and ace a take-home exam and do a million chapter summaries for 5:00 or I am a big, fat, flunking out loser.

Kevin: They always say everything looks better in the morning.

Paige: Well that’s only true if your entire world hasn’t gone supernova!

Outside Paige’s classroom

(Paige is practicing what she’s gonna say to her professor.)

Paige: I just need a few more days. There was a teensy weensy fire and a big family emergency.

(Her phone rings.)

Paige: Alex?

Alex: Guess who just got her third bio A+ in a row?

Paige: Heather Sinclaire?

Alex: Ouch, but deserved. Any chance a marketing guru can forgive a science geek for being an obnoxious turkey?

Paige: Are you actually apologizing?

Alex: I’m full of surprises and still kind of worried about your whole family dinner flame-out.

Paige: Apology accepted and I could not be more fine, honestly. Last minute is my middle name. But enough about me. Uh go celebrate your scholarness. Any A+ plans?

Alex: Carla’s meeting me at the Dot tonight. Nothing special, but she’s paying!

Paige: Well congrats hon. Uh send her my love, okay?

Alex: Later.

(They hang up and Paige sees Professor James.)

Paige: Professor James.

Professor James: Ms. Michalchuk, finished already? I gave you until 5 today.

Paige: Um actually uh you know how it is. Family weekend, parental drama and a minor dorm room fire type incident. I was hoping for another very small extension. I just wouldn’t want to hand in less than my best.

Professor James: A fire? Do you have the fire marshal’s report?

Paige: No, but I have soot-filled everything as proof. Believe me I wouldn’t make this up. I just thought that maybe under the circumstances…

Professor James: I can’t make last minute exceptions Paige. You understand that I’m sure.

Paige: I guess I have to.

Professor James: Hand in whatever you’ve got. I’ll see you at 5. No excuses.

At Degrassi

Mr. Stone: Impounded! The $60,000 vehicle you snuck out of my garage has been impounded!

Peter: I was on my way home from feeding the homeless, doing a good deed!

Ms. Hatzilakos: I don’t care if you were curing the blind, okay? A suspended licence means no driving, period!

Mr. Stone: Probation officer says if you up the community service, they might reduce the fine.

Peter: Okay fine. I’ll be an angel.

Mr. Stone: Well you make sure that you are. Here!

(He storms out and Ms. Hatzilakos follows him.)

Ms. Hatzilakos: And Troy if you can’t control Peter on the weekends, then I will.

Mr. Stone: Daphne save the principal routine for your delinquent son, okay?

Ms. Hatzilakos: Who’s delinquent? How about the guy who bought his 16 year old son a $60,000 car, huh?

Peter: Guys stop!

Ms. Hatzilakos: Who are you trying to impress?

(They both walk away as Peter and Darcy look at each other.)

In the common room at Paige’s dorm

Paige: Okay one thing at a time.

(She stares at her laptop.)

Kevin: I see your laptop survived. Any chance I could check my blog?

Paige: Uh saving my semester by 5PM is a tad more important than your blog.

Kevin: Right. Stupid question. So uh you almost done?

Paige: Not remotely.

Kevin: Better hurry up. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

(Paige searches for a college essay online and takes out her credit card.)

At Peter’s locker

(Darcy walks up to him and hands him a card.)

Peter: What’s this?

Darcy: Bus pass. Once I walked all the way home, I kind of cooled down.

Peter: Oh wow. After the cop pulled us over, I didn’t think you’d be speaking to me anymore, let alone buying me gifts.

Darcy: So you forgive me for smothering you with pie?

Peter: It was stupid to drive, but I had to get to the soup kitchen. I couldn’t let the homeless starve.

Darcy: Were your parents mad about the car?

Peter: They’re off the charts. Blame each other for everything. I try to be brave or whatever, but deep down there’s this little sad…

(Peter takes her hand and she pulls it away laughing.)

Peter: Hey how about a nice, long walk in the park after school?

Darcy: Are you asking me out on a date?

Peter: Depends on your answer.

(Darcy walks away.)

Peter: That was a yes, right?

(Darcy smiles and shrugs as she walks away.)

At Banting

Paige: Professor James here it is.

Professor James: 5PM. Right on time.

Paige: Sometimes I work best under pressure.

(She looks it over and sighs.)

Professor James: I have seen this essay four times in the last two years. Most students try to change a sentence or two.

Paige: Professor James, with 300 students these essays must all just start to look the same.

Professor James: Don’t insult me.

Paige: You’re giving me a zero?

Professor James: Or I could talk to the dean who, by the way, has made it his mission to eradicate plagiarism. Your choice.

Paige: My choice? I’m going home to a real school with real friends with flame retardant dorms. I don’t care if I am a stupid Banting girl because I hate Banting!

At a park

(Peter brings Darcy weeds.)

Peter: For you. Not soup kitchen decorations this time.

Darcy: Aw. My favourite weed.

Peter: I thought they were flowers.

(She notices his uniform and pooper scooper.)

Darcy: Uh what’s uh all this?

Peter: Beautiful day for a walk.

Darcy: Wait this is your idea of a date?

Peter: Yeah, it’s community service, but it’s also doing good. Isn’t that how you roll? Oh I meant to ask, do you think you could get the Reverend to sign some forms for last weekend?

Darcy: So that’s what this is? I’m your community service hook-up?

Peter: You’re not, Darce. This is my life. I thought you got that nobody’s perfect.

(She walks away and Peter keeps picking up dog poop.)

At the Dot

Alex: What’s wrong picky? I thought we were celebrating.

Carla: Yeah well aren’t salads supposed to be fresh? This is disgusting.

Alex: Well maybe if you tried red meat, you wouldn’t be so cranky.

Carla: You are unbelievable.

(Paige sits down.)

Paige: Isn’t she? Human trash compactor.

Alex: Either you’re in Toronto midweek or this ain’t root beer.

Paige: Dinner’s on me. Uh okay my mom. To Alex, the newest scholar on Degrassi’s block.

Alex: Did you have three hours to poach my drink?

Carla: Yeah you must have been thirsty.

Paige: I drove three hours for a great reason, but tonight is all about Miss A+, the brightest Nuñez ever.

Carla: Did you know that she turned down Paradiso Bistro to come here.

Paige: I’m not saying she’s perfect.

Alex: Should I leave you two alone?

Paige: Yeah well I want to hear all about a day in the life of an honours grad marathon runner at Toronto U.

Carla: Well it’s not that interesting.

At Alex’s

Alex: Question of the night. Why aren’t you sleeping at Marco’s and Dylan’s?

Paige: Well everyone’s back from the weekend. It’s a full house.

Alex: And why are you in town?

Paige: Because people here don’t ask a million questions.

Alex: Nice try Michalchuk.

Paige: I don’t know. It was so chaotic with all the family and the schoolwork. I was just craving some happy…some you. Hon we’re gonna stay this close forever, right?

Alex: Depends. Are you gonna scream at me from behind any bathroom doors?

Paige: But see I did that and three days later you are making me a couch-bed. I’m crazy and you are so strong.

Alex: Even perfect Banting girls need to let their hair down every once in a while.

Paige: You are the only one who has any idea.

Alex: It’s a school night. I’ll tuck you in.

(Paige kisses Alex.)

Alex: What was that?

Paige: Um good night kiss?

(Alex goes upstairs.)

In the morning, Paige is making breakfast

Alex: Penance waffles?

Paige: With extra “I’m sorry” whip and “I would never intentionally play with your feelings” strawberries.

Alex: My food usually only says “eat me”.

Paige: Well your mom and Chad call them little puffs of heaven.

Alex: And they were made by such an angel. Are we gonna talk about what that little smoochy smooch was all about last night?

Paige: Oh you mean that thing that never happened?

Alex: Okay. You’ve driven here twice this week and for what? To cook a couple meals? Well it seems kind of strange…even for you.

Paige: Okay Veronica Mars. I miss home.

Alex: Okay what’s in these waffles?

Paige: Nothing. I’m just…I’m happy and I have a plan. Is tonight still karaoke night?

Alex: Uh huh.

Paige: Well then round up the troops. I have a feeling I’ll need to celebrate.

Alex: I knew I wasn’t the only reason you came back. Do I even get a hint?

(Paige shrugs and walks out the door smiling.)

At Degrassi

Darcy: Here. The reverend hopes to see you at the next soup kitchen.

Peter: Wait Darcy, I hate soup. I hate dog turds even more, but I like you. I have fun with you.

Darcy: You’re under house arrest. I’ve got Spirit Squad, Friendship Club. Plus I’m still grounded thanks to those web photos. I just don’t see it working. Sorry.

Peter: Wait who’s that guy who works in mysterious ways?

(She walks away smiling.)

At Toronto U’s admissions office

Admissions Clerk: Awesome high school records.

Paige: Well Toronto U accepted me last spring so I was hoping I could transfer.

Admissions Clerk: We need your Banting transcripts.

Paige: Even if I take a different program?

Admissions Clerk: Yeah. Unless you want to reapply for the Fall.

Paige: Next Fall? My mom will die. I’m talking cardiac arrest and then she’s gonna kill me from beyond the grave.

Admissions Clerk: Well frosh off and flounder.

Paige: Flounder? No, no, no, no. I can’t flounder. I can’t be this person. Horrible grades, social outcast, gained the freshman fifteen-zillion. In three months Banting has turned me into a, a chunky, essay-flunking pyromaniac!

Admissions Clerk: I’m guessing Banting isn’t the problem. Sorry. Next.

(Paige storms off and is shown crying in her car.)

At Darcy’s

(Peter is outside her window.)

Peter: Psst! Darce it’s me.

Darcy: Peter! What are you doing here?

Peter: I believe the word is romance.

Darcy: You’re gonna get us both in sugar.

Peter: I don’t care. I’ll risk all the sugar in the world. My probation, my house arrest, my parents losing their minds…just for one minute with you.

(Darcy puts a robe on and walks outside.)

Peter: Be careful. I will sing.

Darcy: No! If my dad hears you, I’ll never get to see you.

Peter: So you want to see me?

Darcy: Go home Peter.

At karaoke

Marco: (Singing) I don’t change my mind for anybody. I won’t waste my time on just anybody. I won’t share my life with anyone, but you. With anyone, but you. With anyone, but you!

(Paige walks in.)

Paige: Sorry I’m late. Uh pinchy boots keep it slow.

Marco: Aw it’s like Spinner.

Spinner: Whatever. I’ll take that as a compliment.

Jimmy: So Alex says you’re back in town to celebrate.

Alex: Yeah so what’s the amazing news?

Paige: Um well yours truly just got a huge scholarship to Toronto U. I’m moving home.

Marco: In the middle of a semester?

Paige: Yeah. They made an exception. So are we gonna do this or not?

Marco: You bet.

Spinner: Bust it maestro.

(Paige and Marco start singing horribly.)

Outside, Paige is putting gas in the tank

Alex: So when are you gonna tell me why you really left Banting?

Paige: I already told you.

Alex: Yeah big mid-semester scholarship. Thing is you already had one.

Paige: Banting is not what I expected. I mean I am kicking butt, but it’s so lame. There’s no fun times like tonight and definitely no fun people.

Alex: That’s it?

Paige: Banting was great for my mom, but I have connections here.

Alex: Connections? By that you mean?

Paige: My friends, people who think I count for something, cool people.

(Paige spills gas on her shoes.)

Paige: Oh my pinchy boots. Um there should be paper towels in here somewhere. My dad went all boy scout when I got the car.

(Alex sees all of Paige’s papers and tests with failing grades.)

Paige: Did you find anything?

Alex: Yeah. I sure did.

(She hands Paige the paper towels who cleans her boots.)

Paige: Oh ew.

Outside Degrassi

(Peter’s dad is dropping him off.)

Peter: Okay bye dad.

Darcy: Here! It’s a day timer. I wrote down all my free time this week. You do the same and that’s when I’ll see you.

Peter: Cool thanks. Oh so you’re free today after school? I have an hour before I have to report to my probation officer.

Darcy: It’s a date.

Ms. Hatzilakos: Oh. Here you go!

Peter: What’s this?

Ms. Hatzilakos: Directions to a convicted street racers press conference after school. I volunteered you to give an apology.

Peter: Today? You’ve got to be joking.

Ms. Hatzilakos: And if you’re thinking on skipping, don’t. I’ll be there.

(Mr. Stone drives back with Peter’s uniform.)

Mr. Stone: Trash man! Forget something?

Peter: Yeah can’t live without this.

Mr. Stone: Oh and your uncle’s looking forward to some squeaky clean dishes at his restaurant this weekend.

Peter: Yeah and every other weekend. I know.

Mr. Stone: Know another way to make the 5 grand it cost me to get the car out of impound? Maybe your mother will take a cut to her alimony payments.

Ms. Hatzilakos: Love you too.

(She rolls her eyes as Peter’s dad drives off.)

Ms. Hatzilakos: My office. 3:00 sharp.

(She leaves and Peter looks at Darcy.)

Peter: Yeah you were right. This isn’t gonna work.

At the Dot

Paige: Two bedroom on the subway line. $1200. Ouch.

Alex: Two bedroom?

Paige: Isn’t it time you gave your mom and Chad their personal space?

(Alex looks around.)

Paige: Hun you waiting for someone?

Alex: Maybe.

Paige: Who Carla? Look if we move in together, it doesn’t mean…

(She sees her mom.)

Paige: Mom? Hi. What are you doing here?

Mrs. Michalchuk: We need to talk Paige. You have some explaining to do.

Paige: What’s going on?

Mrs. Michalchuk: Alex found some essays, some tests in your car.

Paige: You did this?

Alex: I’ll let you guys talk.

(Alex leaves as Paige gets all upset.)

Outside Ms. Hatzilakos’ office

Darcy: Thought I’d find you here.

Peter: I’m forming a permanent butt groove. Why are you here?

Darcy: Just seeing your parents, the way they fight…it must be horrible to feel like they’re always angry.

Peter: Just not a great example of love, I guess.

Darcy: I know someone who has a lot of love to give.

Peter: Okay no offence, but you better not be talking about Jesus.

(She gives him a look and he takes her hand.)

Peter: Darce I’m gonna be late to pick you up and I’m gonna bail on dates. All the day planners in the world can’t change that, but I’ll never stop thinking about you.

Darcy: I hope not and if you ever hurt me, I’ll tell your mom.

Outside the Dot

(Paige hugs her mom goodbye and walks over to Alex.)

Paige: I can’t believe you told my mother.

Alex: Who else would I tell?

Paige: I don’t know. Nobody?

Alex: You need help Paige and you needed to tell the truth to someone. It was the only way to force it out.

Paige: Well why didn’t you talk to me first?

Alex: Paige you’ve been lying to me ever since you got here and I have no idea why.

(Paige sits down next to her.)

Paige: I’ve always kind of felt like you looked up to me and I want you to be proud of me, but the truth is I’m just a loser.

Alex: And you used me to pull some big crazy scam?

Paige: I’m sorry Alex. I didn’t know who else to turn to.

Alex: The next time you need a safety net, call the fire department.

Paige: Actually they’ll probably be calling me. I kind of burned down my dorm room.

Alex: Seriously?

(Paige nods.)

Alex: Wow. When you flame out, you really flame out.

Paige: What am I gonna do?

Alex: That’s the thing missy, what do you want to do?

Scenes for next week

Paige: We are just friends. Friends with a benefits package.

(Paige kisses Spinner.)

Voiceover: Paige has a new dating strategy.

Paige: Cas is the way we rock it.

Voiceover: But casual…

Paige: Hey lets dance.

(Paige and Jesse are shown dancing.)

Voiceover: …turns complicated.

Paige: (Talking to Alex) Spinner is my 7:00 and Jesse’s my 9.

Alex: You uh wanna come to my place when you’re done for a post-game wrap-up?

(Paige puts her arms around Alex.)

Voiceover: Very complicated.

Kikavu ?

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04.05.2019 vers 13h

Date inconnue

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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Sonmi451, Aujourd'hui à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 12:56

Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

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