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#617 : Du virtuel au réel

Marco est perdu depuis que Dylan l'a quitté et plus rien n'a d'attrait à ses yeux. Avec Spinner, il décide de partir sur les routes pour briser la monotomie. Mais pour pouvoir réaliser leurs envies, ils ont besoin d'argent. Marco se met à jouer au poker sur internet et réunit bientôt une coquette somme...

Titre VO
Sunglasses at night

Titre VF
Du virtuel au réel

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Scénario : Brendon Yorke
Réalisation : Stefan Scaini

Guest stars : Tony Sciara (M. Del Rossi)

> Captures

Dans la boutique de tee-shirt, le père de Marco vient paramétrer la nouvelle alarme qu'ils ont installé suite à la tentative de cambriolage.
Marco, qui se trouve à la caisse, semble distant et très captivé par son ordinateur où il est en train de jouer au poker.

Dans leur maison, Marco discute avec Paige. Celle-ci a plus ou moins obtenu l'autorisation d'Ellie pour sortir avec Jesse. Marco n'est pas en forme depuis que Dylan est parti pour la Suisse. Spinner, souhaite donc remonter le moral à son ami en lui proposant de faire une virée en voiture direction Daytona.
L'idée enchante Marco mais ils se rendent vite compte qu'ils n'ont pas énormément d'argent.

Le soir même, Marco réunit Spinner et Jimmy devant son ordinateur. Là, il leur montre qu'il peut gagner de l'argent en jouant au poker en ligne. A la fin de la partie, Marco remporte 70$! Pour fêter ça, il décide de sortir et de dépenser un peu de cet argent au lieu de s'en servir pour ses petites vacances.

Au bar, Marco remercie Spinner et Jimmy d'être venu avec lui. Lorsque Jay arrive, il propose à Marco de venir jouer avec lui avec ses amis du garage. Le jeu est plus sérieux et les adversaires plus forts...

Le lendemain à Degrassi, Darcy fait le point sur sa journée d'action pour les sans abris. Peter interrompt la réunion pour pouvoir parler à Darcy en cachette. Là, il l'embrasse et lui offre un collier avec une clef en lui disant qu'elle a la clef de son coeur.

Du côté des étudiants, Ellie et Paige se disputent l'ancienne chambre de Dylan. Marco essaye de les résonner mais elles se disputent comme des gamines ce qui l'énerve. En effet, il s'inquiète davantage de ne pas avoir de nouvelles de Dylan.

Dans le cours de M. Simpson, Darcy prend la parole pour répondre à une question du professeur. Peter prend aussitôt la parole et il commence à jouer avec Darcy en disant des paroles blessantes. En effet, ils sont obligés de faire semblant de ne pas s'aimer pour ne pas attirer l'attention des autres et surtout de la mère de Peter.

A l'extérieur, Marco et Spinner se rendent à la réunion poker de Jay. Spinner semble inquiet de la tournure des événements et il n'arrive pas à raisonner Marco.

Pendant ce temps, après le cours de média intensif, Darcy et Peter se retrouvent dans un local de l'école désert mais ils sont surpris par le gardien.

Dans le garage, la partie se déroule bien pour Spinner et Marco. Ils finissent par battre Jay et les autres joueurs mais selon les règles, les gagnants doivent rejouer le lendemain, Marco accepte donc de revenir.

Plus tard dans la soirée, Marco fête sa victoire dans un club en compagnie de Spinner, Paige et Ellie. Il semble être le seul à vouloir faire la fête puisque tous les autres ont d'autres occupations pour la soirée.

Une autre partie est donc organisée mais Marco ne maîtrise pas la partie et perd. Le patron du garage arrive et renvoie tout le monde chez lui. Désormais, ils ne pourront plus jouer dans le garage.

En sortant du garage, Spinner est furieux après Marco qui vient de perdre 1100$. N'arrivant pas à le raisonner, il lui conseille d'aller parler à son père. Le soir même, Marco vient rendre visite à son père mais il n'ose pas lui parler de son problème d'argent. Alors que son père a le dos tourné, Marco lui prend de l'argent dans son porte-feuille.

Le lendemain à Degrassi, Darcy se voit mentir à sa camarade Kim du club de l'amitié pour pouvoir voir Peter en cachette. Pour cela, elle lui dit qu'elle ne peut pas travailler avec elle le soir car c'est l'anniversaire de sa grand-mère.

En fin d'après-midi, Darcy retrouve donc Peter dans le parc en cachette. Cette situation commence à embêter Darcy. Alors qu'ils s'embrassent, ils sont surpris par Kim...

Une nouvelle partie de poker a lieu dans la boutique de tee-shirt. Marco est présent mais Spinner a refusé de continuer l'aventure. Alors qu'ils sont en train de jouer, la police débarque dans le local et arrête tout le monde. 

De son côté, Darcy vient rendre visite à Peter chez lui, elle refuse de mettre fin à sa relation avec lui sous prétexte qu'ils ne peuvent pas se voir librement. Pour tester son amour, Darcy invite tout de même Peter dans leur cachette secrète pour voir s'il ose venir malgré ses interdictions.

Dans le magasin, Spinner qui est responsable du local est prévenu par la police. Il découvre que Marco a organisé une partie de poker dans la boutique. Bien que Marco soit son ami, il avoue à la police qu'il n'avait pas le droit d'être là. 

Le lendemain, Peter se rend au rendez-vous de Darcy et il lui avoue qu'elle compte beaucoup pour lui.

De son côté, Marco doit dire la vérité à son père. En effet, il lui avoue avoir volé de l'argent pour rembourser ses dettes. Son père ne comprend pas l'attitude de son fils. Marco lui explique alors qu'il se sent perdu depuis le départ de Dylan. Bien que son père n'accepte pas l'homosexualité de son fils, il semble comprendre ce qu'il lui arrive et il lui propose de venir travailler avec lui pour rembourser l'argent qu'il a pris.

At the store

(Marco is playing online poker while his dad installs an alarm system.)

Spinner: (To a customer) Hey and receipt’s in the bag. Sale’s on all week. Spread the word.

Mr. Del Rossi: 1637. You have 20 seconds to punch it in. You got that Marco?

Marco: Huh? Yeah. Yeah I got that pop. Thanks.

Spinner: Getting robbed once was enough, you know? And the new signage looks great Mr. D.R.

Mr. Del Rossi: Yeah.

Spinner: Cash only, right?

Mr. Del Rossi: Hey you can’t trust banks. The service fees, low interest. Talk about getting robbed. Hey uh me and Uncle Louie are gonna play the ponies. You boys want to come when you close up?

Spinner: Yeah!

Marco: No, not tonight.

Mr. Del Rossi: You know sometimes you worry me Marco. This is life. You’ve got to live it.

(He leaves and Spinner walks over to Marco.)

Spinner: Dude, come on. You’ve been Johnny Long-Face all week.

Marco: Oh so it’s been a week since Dylan left. ‘Cause you know with constant phone tag and no e-mails, it’s like poof! My boyfriend just disappeared off the face of the earth.

Spinner: Last I heard, Sweden was still on earth.

Marco: For the last time Spinner, Switzerland!

Spinner: Whatever. Look Dylan’s got practice every day, road trips with the team, workouts with the team-

Marco: Long hot showers with the team.

Spinner: Dude you have an actively gay imagination.

Marco: Spin do you have any idea how hard it is to go from always having somebody there to being totally alone?

Spinner: Look when Dylan was here, nobody ever saw you. You two just played house 24/7. Don’t hermit out with your laptop now that he’s gone.

(Marco wins his online game.)

Marco: Hah! Whatever buddy. I just won 200 bucks! Are you finished with your lecture?

At Marco, Paige and Ellie’s

Marco: (On the phone) Hey Dylan. It’s in the middle of the night your time. Calling you, so call me back. Love you. Bye.

(Paige walks in.)

Paige: Hey Marco, Spin. How’s Fortress Squatch Designs?

Marco: The alarm’s armed and ready. What’s with the hush-hush?

Paige: Well when Ellie gave me the green light to date her ex, I’d say she was just a touch colour-blind.

Ellie: I heard that!

Paige: If Jessie calls, I’ll be hiding in my room.

Spinner: Oh fun times at the Del Rossi, Michalchuck, Nash, Tenako, Uchi abode.

Marco: Spin this is driving me nuts.

Spinner: Dude come on. You’re coopered up inside. It’s cold, wet, winter yuck out there. You need a change of scenery.

Marco: You know what, bud? You’re right. You’re right! What’s the opposite of cold, wet, winter yuck?

Spinner: Hot, dry, summer yum?

Marco: Exactly. So I’m thinking va-cay! Me, you, Daytona Beach.

Spinner: Daytona?

Marco: Yeah!

Spinner: I would have expected Sweden! Switzerland, to visit your swister-mister.

Marco: So what? It’s a long distance relationship Spin, emphasis on distance. He’s having fun. I just, I want to have mine.

Spinner: Spring break, eh?

Marco: Yeah!

Spinner: Hotties on top of hotties. That my friend is yum.

(Spinner’s excitement fades.)

Marco: What?

Spinner: Dude every cent I had went into the store.

Marco: No, no don’t worry. I have a plan.

(They’re shown playing online poker.)

Spinner: Wait this is your plan? Playing online poker?

Marco: You got a better one? Oh yes. Yes she folded! I win again. Yes!

Ellie: I’m reading Chekhov over here.

Marco: Sorry Ellie! Hey man, guys let’s hit a club. Come on, it’s on me.

Spinner: Wait, what about our trip money?

Marco: I’ll win more. It’s what I do!

At a club

Marco: Oh thanks guys for hanging out tonight. I needed this.

Jimmy: Ah no prob, man. Me and Spin can study for our test next week.

Jay: Yo gangsta’s. What’s the haps?

Spinner: Just celebrating Marco’s big online poker score.

Jay: You must be quite the shark, Del Rossi.

Marco: Well I used to play with my boyfriend.

Jay: Yes you’re gay. Super. If you want to make some real coin, me and the guys at work have a little something going on.

Marco: Define a little something.

Jay: Texas Holdem. $20 gets you in the door, $100 gets you in the game.

At Friendship Club

Darcy: Our charity turkey dinner gave over 100 people a hot, tasty meal.

Kim: And we’re organizing another event for the end of semester dance. So suggestions, anyone?

Nackman: Um used glasses drive?

Peter: Great idea, Nackman. Darcy, my mom’s asking for you. It’s actually kind of important.

Darcy: I better not keep the boss lady waiting.

(Kim rolls her eyes as Darcy leaves.)

Peter: I lied.

Darcy: Oh really?

Peter: Screw my mom’s ‘no girlfriend’ policy. I’ve been thinking about you all week.

Darcy: Someone might see us.

(He gives her a necklace with a key on it.)

Peter: It’s the key to my heart. Don’t say where you got it. It can be our secret.

Darcy: It’s adorable, Peter. Thanks.

(She kisses him on the cheek.)

At Marco, Paige and Ellie’s

Ellie: Lots more closet space in my room.

Paige: Ellie I know you had your eye on Dylan’s room, but he gave it to me.

Ellie: Well we should have a had a vote.

Paige: Not a big fan of democracy hon. Marco, tell her you don’t mind if I take Dylan’s room.

Ellie: Don’t let ‘Princess Always Gets Her Way’ bully you…or manipulate you! She has a way with men.

Paige: You and Jesse broke up.

Ellie: Yeah just! Marco, tell her…

Marco: Shut up! I’m not going to referee your catfight about the room, or Jesse, or anything! Just work it out yourselves.

(They leave and Marco closes his laptop.)

Marco: Get me out of here.

In media immersion

Mr. Simpson: Okay Monday minds. Last week we started talking about online community moderation. Any thoughts? Is it good, bad?

Peter: It’s censorship.

Kim: It’s about keeping the internet safe for everybody.

Peter: Yeah well who gets to decide what’s safe and what’s not, Kim? You?

Darcy: I’m not surprised you’d say that. You only care about yourself.

(Peter looks shocked, but Darcy gives him a wink.)

Peter: Yeah well you only care about what people think about you.

Darcy: At least I have a conscience.

Peter: At least I can think for myself. Submit to peer pressure much?

Mr. Simpson: Guys.

Darcy: Submit to ugliness much?

Peter: Can you tell through all that eye fat?

Darcy: Eye fat? That is so pathetic.

Mr. Simpson: No seriously enough. Thank you.


Marco: Here. Blow our poker dreams on this.

Spinner: And if we lose?

Marco: We won’t. I know what I’m doing.

Spinner: Dude it’s not money in the bank. Jay’s friends are poker ninjas.

Marco: Yeah exactly. That’s what makes it fun. High risk, high reward.

Spinner: Coming from you? That’s bonkers

Marco: Spin, you and Jimmy opened up a store, right? Ellie hooked up with her boss. Even flame-out Paige is starting over and Dylan…Dylan is off on his European hockey adventure. What have I done?

Spinner: Kept your marks up.

Marco: Oh wow! Whoop-de-do. I’m mashed potatoes, man. I’m boring and I’m bored and I just, I need a rush. Come on.

At Degrassi

Darcy: How’d you get in here?

Peter: Tell you a secret? It’s never locked.

(They start kissing.)

Peter: Oh next time we’re fake fighting, can you tone down the ‘you’re ugly’ stuff?

Darcy: You said I have eye fat.

Peter: It was all I could think of. Your eyes are beautiful.

Darcy: And you’re not ugly, stupid.

Janitor: Peter Stone! I wonder if your mom would like to hear about this.

At the garage

Spinner: Fold.

Jay: Ah me too. Can’t lose what you don’t put in, right?

Marco: Yeah can’t win much, either. Raise 100.

Jake: Going Vegas on me, boss? Alright let’s double it.

Marco: Impressive. I’m in.

(They keep playing.)

Marco: I’m all in. You with me?

Jay: Well if you can’t spot the sucker, you are the sucker.

Jake: The question is what’s his tell.

Marco: When you figure it out, you let me know.

Jake: It’s all yours, boss.

Spinner: Yes! Money for nothing.

Jake: Hey this is how it works. We get a chance to win it back. Tomorrow.

Marco: Alright, if you want to keep giving me your money, I’m gonna gladly keep taking it.

Spinner: Daytona!

At a club

Paige: Oh uh hello. Marco left a message. Some urgent need to rage?

Ellie: Oh there’s been raging.

Marco: Hey, hey! Fun patrol’s here. No cat-fighting tonight, ladies. Promise?

Paige: Yeah fine. What is up?

Marco: I am, babe. Tonight I am so wired.

Spinner: He pretty well bankrupted these hardcore poker dudes.

Marco: I had them eating out of my hands.

Paige: Look at you, Mr. High Roller.

Marco: Next stop: The Matador. Come on!

Ellie: Woah, the after hours club? I can’t. I have an essay.

Marco: Ellie! Ellie you can’t find love in an essay. You got to live!

Spinner: And I’ve got a test. Come on. Put it away.

Marco: Spin we’re rich. We’re celebrating. I’m happy. What’s the problem here?

Spinner: You dude. You’re being an ass.

Marco: Spin this is the first time I’ve had fun in ages and it’s all thanks to my triple P, perfect poker partner. Come on man, let’s just roll with this. Let’s see how much money we can make. Please!

At the poker game

Spinner: Fold again. Surprise.

Jay: Raise it 50. Shark boy?

Marco: Funny thing about poker. You know nobody remembers how you built your fortune, just how you lost it.

Jake: We’re making memories tonight, right boss? Call.

Jay: I think I’m gonna go in another 50. Marco?

Marco: I’m all in.

Spinner: Dude that’s everything.

Jake: Yeah not this time bluff-maestro. I’ll see you. Let’s have ‘em.

Jay: You are toast shark boy! Yes!

Marco: Okay it’s fine. It’s fine. I um…I just, I need a loan to buy back in and I’ll win it back.

Jake: Yeah, how much?

Marco: Um…

Tony: What the hell is going on?

Jay: Hey Tony you want in?

Tony: Don’t get smart. You guys want to keep your jobs, this ends now. Everybody out.

(Marco and Spinner are walking outside.)

Marco: Look everybody goes bust, okay? My luck will turn. Just trust me.

Spinner: Trust you? Marco you just lost $1100. Kiss it goodbye. I did.

Marco: What? What about our trip, man? The hotties?

Spinner: Dude it’s over. Go home, watch TV with your dad. Maybe he can talk some sense into you. You just got to stop.

At the Del Rossi house

Marco: Hey pop.

Mr. Del Rossi: Hey son. Can’t stay away from your mom’s cooking, eh?

Marco: How’d you and Uncle Louie do at the track?

Mr. Del Rossi: We had fun.

Marco: Did you guys win any money?

Mr. Del Rossi: We had fun, Marco. Why?

Marco: No, I’m just making conversation.

Mr. Del Rossi: Yeah? Well you know what goes good with that? Some of your mom’s homemade cannelloni. She put some in the freezer before she went to bingo. No sit.

(Marco sees his dad’s wallet and takes out all the cash.)

At Degrassi

Darcy’s IM: How sneaky can you be?

(Peter starts typing back when Kim walks over to Darcy.)

Kim: E-mailing your boyfriend?

Darcy: Very funny Kim.

Kim: I’m just kidding. All set to work on our drama project after school?

Darcy: Oh. Um I have a grandma’s birthday thing. Can we reschedule?

Kim: Fine. That’s the last time I cancel majorettes for you.

In the park

Peter: Anyone see you?

Darcy: No. Not that this is the perfect hiding place. How sneaky did you have to be?

(They hug.)

Peter: Darce I’m sorry it has to be like this…sneaking around, lying.

Darcy: What we’re doing isn’t really bad. It’s kind of fun. You’re fun.

Peter: So are you. So much fun.

(Kim walks by with her dog and sees them kissing.)

Kim: Darcy?!

Darcy: Kim?

Kim: Wish your grandma ‘happy birthday’ for me.

(She walks away angry.)

Darcy: Sugar…

At the store, during the poker game

Jake: If I win this hand, I’ll buy everyone a t-shirt.

Jay: I must say Mr. Del Rossi, you have some nice digs here, no girlfriends, no grease monkey bosses. This could be a regular gig, huh?

Marco: Yeah right. If anybody finds out we’re using the store, I’m dead. Call.

Jay: Oh!

Marco: Raise a hundred.

Jake: There’s no way you got the straight flush, bluff-maestro.

Jay: Well beautiful thing is, there’s no such thing as a locked hand.

Marco: So Jake, you in or you out?

Jake: I’m in, boss.

Police officer: What’s going on? We got a break and enter call.

Marco: No, no, no, no. There must be some mistake. I work here.

(The cop starts arresting Marco.)

Marco: No just let me finish this hand.

Police officer: Game’s over, fellas.

Marco: What? Are you kidding me? Don’t you guys have some kind of murder you could be solving?

Police officer: You’re under arrest for trespassing.

At Peter’s

(Darcy is at his window.)

Peter: What are you doing?

Darcy: Maybe if you answered your phone or returned my messages.

Peter: Kim tattled to my mom!

Darcy: Kim should mind her own beeswax. There’s nothing wrong with us being together.

Peter: Yeah well we’re not going to be together. My parents are talking about sending me to boarding school.

Darcy: What?! She can’t.

Peter: She also said that if you know what’s good for you, you’d keep your distance.

Darcy: Your mom can’t keep us apart, Peter. Do you believe that love conquers all?

Peter: I don’t think it’s gonna be enough. There’s always something in our way.

Darcy: I’ll be at our secret place tomorrow. Prove to me that you’re not the type to give up.

At the store

Marco: Spinner! Spinner thank god. Tell her, tell her that I-

Spinner: What is going on here, Marco?

Marco: Dude I pressed the alarm code and it didn’t even go off.

Spinner: It’s a silent alarm, idiot.

Police officer: Is this a friend of yours?

Spinner: He’s a part-time employee.

Police officer: With permission to be here?

Spinner: No.

Police officer: I’m gonna have to take him in. Come on.

At Degrassi

(Darcy is about to leave when Peter walks in.)

Peter: If they’re sending me away, I have nothing to lose except you.

Darcy: Peter you’ve got me.

(They kiss.)

At Marco, Paige and Ellie’s

Mr. Del Rossi: Ellie let me in. Uncle Louie talked to his cop buddy at 54. You had trouble at the store?

Marco: Yeah I was hoping you wouldn’t find out about that.

Mr. Del Rossi: Yeah well Uncle Louie mentioned a poker game.

Marco: The police confiscated the money so I have a bunch of mechanics for enemies now, but Spinner dropped the trespassing charges. It’s fine.

Mr. Del Rossi: I guess you’re lucky. So do you know anything about the $600 I’m missing?

Marco: Uh…I was in the hole dad.

Mr. Del Rossi: Marco! How could you?

Marco: I needed it! Come on. You know how it is. You gamble every weekend.

Mr. Del Rossi: Marco you stole from family. Are you in trouble or something, Marco? Is there something you’re not telling me?

Marco: No! It’s Dylan, dad.

Mr. Del Rossi: Well how is Dylan the problem, Marco?

Marco: I feel empty without him dad. I’m lost. He’s my boyfriend.

Mr. Del Rossi: You think I’m stupid?

Marco: No, of course not.

Mr. Del Rossi: You have used your friends and your family because playing cards was more important. No matter what Dylan is to you, he is not a part of this and you know that.

Marco: I’m done. I’m done with it, okay? I promise. I understand if you hate me for it.

Mr. Del Rossi: Marco, you’re my son. I’m gonna watch you. Just go to school and if you have any honour, you’ll come and see me at the shop to work off what you stole. People leave Marco. You have to live your own life.


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04.05.2019 vers 13h

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CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Sonmi451, Aujourd'hui à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 12:56

Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

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