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#208 : Humiliation (Partie 2)

Hantée par le souvenir du viol dont elle a été victime, Paige fait tout son possible pour paraître normale. Une audition pour trouver un girls band est organisée, mais Ashley interprète une chanson inspirée du thème du viol. Paige ne peut en supporter plus, elle quitte la salle en courant. Lorsqu' Ashley vient la voir, Paige est obligée de lui révéler son terrible secret…


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Titre VO
Shout (Part 2)

Titre VF
Humiliation (Partie 2)

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Première diffusion en France

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Scénario : Aaron Martin, Craig Cornell
 : Philip Earnshaw

Guest stars : Shawn Roberts (Dean)


Paige entre dans les toilettes des filles, vêtue de son uniforme de pom-pom girls et se lave le visage. Elle aperçoit alors Dean dans le miroir et lui demande ce qu'il fait là. Dean s'approche d'elle et la salue, rappellant qu'ils sont bien amusés à la fête. Paige hausse la voix et dit qu'il l'a violé, mais Dean réplique qu'elle en avait envie et qu'elle n'a pas intérêt à raconter quoique ce soit d'autre à quiconque. Paige le repousse.

Paige se réveille dans son lit alors que son alarme sonne. Elle soupire et éteint son réveil.

Devant Degrassi, Terri rejoint Paige et lui tend un papier. Il s'agit d'un concours d'interprète. Paige lui rappelle qu'elles ont arrêté leur groupe, mais Terri pense que PMS peut se reformer. Paige lit à nouveau et s'aperçoit que le prix est une démo et un voyage à Los Angeles. Toutes deux sont excitées.

Dans la classe de Mr Simpson, Paige et Terri s'inscrivent pour le concours, mais cherchent une chanteuse. Terri propose Ashley, mais Paige refuse et lui soumet alors Hazel qui, après un essai peu concluant, est ravie de participer. Terri ajoute qu'elle écrira les paroles.

Dans la classe de Mme Kwan, Terri est debout, récitant son poème. Spinner et Jimmy se moquent. Mme Kwan remercie Terri qui sourit et va s'asseoir. Paige lui dit que c'était rythmé et adorable. C'est au tour d'Ashley qui récite un poème sur la souffrance, regardant Jimmy.

Dans la classe de Mr Simpson, Sean fait une présentation PowerPoint sur Dailmer. C'est au tour de Liberty. JT se plaint de ne jamais passer quand son travail est fait. La présentation de Liberty est en fait sur JT dans des tenues ridicules. JT comprend que Toby lui a donné des photos de lui plus jeune. Toute la classe rigole.

Dans les couloirs, les moqueries continuent. Liberty précise à JT que c'était un hommage et non pas une imitation. JT se moque méchamment de Liberty, qui s'enfuit. Emma et Manny s'éloignent, le traitant de loser. La sonnerie retentit.

En salle de musique, Hazel entraîne sa voix. Paige la stoppe et prend sa guitare. Terri entre avec sa tenue de PMS de l'année précédente et prend sa basse. Mais, Paige lui fait remarquer que sa tenue est passée de mode et qu'elles devraient changer leurs tenues de scène. Terri refuse et Paige s'énerve quand celle-ci lui dit qu'elle ne comprend pas les 'non'. Hazel les stoppe et leur propose de répéter. Toutes trois commencent, mais Paige arrête tout et dit que ça ne marchera pas. Elle s'en va.

Chez Ashley, Paige s'approche de sa maison et l'entend jouer du piano et chanter. Elle frappe à la porte. Ashley répond et lui demande pourquoi elle est là. Paige lui explique qu'elles ont besoin d'elle car son poème était génial. Ashley lui rappelle que ça n'a pas marché l'année précédente, mais Paige promet que ce sera différent et ajoute qu'elle veut un texte vrai sur des sentiments douloureux et humains. Elle précise qu'elles ont  vraiment une chance. Ashley sourit et accepte.

En salle de musique, Ashley joue un morceau au clavier. Paige, Terri et Hazel entrent et lisent le texte qu'Ashley vient de finir d'écrire. Elles se rendent compte que les paroles sont fortes et douloureuses. Paige réalise qu'elles parlent de viol et refuse. Ashley et Terri disent qu'elles sont plus intéressantes que les paroles originales, mais Paige ne veut pas.

Dans les couloirs, Liberty, Emma et Manny marchent, observant les peintures. Liberty complimente celle de Manny. Elles croisent JT qui se moque à nouveau de Liberty, qui renchérit. Il la traite d'ennuyeuse car elle ne sait pas s'amuser et, en retour, Liberty prend un marqueur et écrit un 'A' sur le casier de JT. Elle s'éloigne, tandis que JT tente de l'effacer avec son bras.

En salle informatique, Paige est seule, lisant les paroles d'Ashley. Une larme coule le long de sa joue. Ashley entre et demande pourquoi elle refuse les paroles sur le viol. Paige s'emporte et dit qu'elle n'a pas le droit de parler de quelque chose dont elle ignore tout. Le reste de la classe entre. Ashley s'éloigne et Paige s'assied.

Dans les couloirs, JT rattrape Liberty et lui demande comment elle a pu faire ça. Mr Raditch interpelle JT et l'emmène dans son bureau. Liberty sourit alors qu'elle entre en classe. Toby demande si elle a vu JT et celle-ci répond qu'il a des problèmes. Toby lui avoue alors que sa mère va l'envoyer en internat car il cause sans cesse des problèmes.

En salle de musique, Paige, Terri et Ashley s'entraînent. Hazel entre et leur annonce qu'elle n'a plus de voix et ne pourra pas chanter au concours qui a lieu le lendemain. Paige dit à Ashley qu'elle chantera seule le solo. Elles recommencent à s'entraîner. Ashley utilise ses nouvelles paroles et Paige s'emporte. Elle refuse et arrache les paroles avant de partir, furieuse.

Dans les couloirs, Paige ouvre son casier et Ashley la rejoint. Elle lui dit que la chanson est puissante et qu'elle s'est renseignée suffisamment sur le viol pour en connaître bien plus qu'elle. Paige claque la porte de son casier et se met à pleurer. Ashley comprend ce qu'elle a subi et lui conseille d'aller voir un médecin ou un thérapeute. Mais, Paige dit qu'elle ne peut pas. Ashley ajoute qu'elles joueront la version originale au concours.

Dans les couloirs, Mr Raditch tient au seau d'eau savonneuse et une brosse à dents qu'il tend à JT pour qu'il nettoie son casier. Liberty arrive en courant et avoue avoir commis le délit. Mr Raditch ne la croit pas, mais Liberty dit qu'elle était énervée et a agi par impulsion. JT sourit et donne la brosse à dents à Liberty. Mr Raditch et JT s'en vont, laissant Liberty à son nettoyage.

Dans les coulisses du concours, Paige se regarde dans le miroir. Ashley lui dit qu'elle est superbe. Terri est nerveuse. Paige la rassure et lui dit que tout se passera bien. Le présentateur annonce PMS sur la scène. Les filles montent sur scène et commencent à jouer. Alors que Paige s'apprête à chanter, elle aperçoit Dean dans le public qui lui sourit. Elle se recule et les filles arrêtent de jouer. Ashley demande ce qui se passe et Paige avoue qu'il est là. Elle refuse de continuer, mais, alors, trouve la force et se met à chanter les paroles d'Ashley sur le viol, regardant Dean droit dans les yeux. Il devient nerveux et préfère partir. Paige le regarde s'en aller et continue à chanter. Dans le public, Ellie sourit.

Dans le hall, JT est assis sur un banc. Il jette quelque chose dans la poubelle mais loupe son tir. Liberty arrive avec un balai et une pelle. Elle annonce qu'elle est de corvée toute la semaine et que ses parents ont été prévenus. Elle tente de s'excuser, mais JT lui dit qu'elle a été cool. Liberty n'en revient pas. JT sourit et s'éloigne.

Dans les couloirs, Paige, Terri, Hazel et Ashley rient. Ellie vient les féliciter et trouve cela injuste qu'elles n'aient eu qu'une mention acceptable. Elle complimente Paige. Ashley ajoute que Paige avait raison car une chanson sur le viol ne peut gagner. Paige réplique que c'est surtout parce que c'est elle qui a chanté. Elles rient à  nouveau. Elles s'éloignent, laissant Paige et Ashley devant le bureau du conseiller. Ashley demande si elle va bien, et Paige répond qu'elle est prête à en parler. Elle ouvre la porte et entre dans le bureau.


Girls washroom.

The light is blue-ish. Paige enters wearing her cheerleading uniform and washes her face. She lifts her hand and sees in the mirror that Dean has appeared behind her

DEAN: Hey Spirit.

PAIGE: Dean, what are you doing in the girls washroom?

DEAN: Thought I'd say hi. (Walks towards her)


DEAN: Relax, we had a good time at that party, didn't we?

PAIGE: Dean you…

DEAN: I what? I didn't do anything. We just had a good time.

PAIGE: (raising voice) You raped me.

DEAN: You wanted it and don't you dare tell anyone any different.

PAIGE: (Pushing him away) Get off me. Stop. (Picture begins to get wavy) Please. Stop it.


Paige’s bedroom.

She's asleep. Her alarm goes up and she awakes with a gasp. She sighs and turns off the alarm.


Outside on the sidewalk.

Terri runs up to Paige.

TERRI: Paige. Wait. (Has a piece of paper in her hands) Read it. (Holds out paper, so Paige can read)

PAIGE: (reading) Pro-voice song writing contest. Celebrating what women have to say. Does your band have what it takes to make a splash on the music scene?

TERRI: This is our chance.

PAIGE: Terr, we don't have a band. PMS broke up, remember?

TERRI: It's too perfect.

PAIGE: (reads the sheet again) (excited) Winning band gets a demo CD and a trip to LA.

TERRI: I told you.

PAIGE: (still reading) To perform live for record executives. (Stops reading) This is a serious prize. It's not like winning a beach towel or movie pass. Terri, we could move to LA. (They do an excited girl giggle)


Mr. Simpson’s class.

See computer screen where Paige is signing up PMS for the contest.

PAIGE: PMS could totally win this.

TERRI: With Ash we'd have a batter chance.

PAIGE: Not in this band. (Bell rings)

MR. SIMPSON: Have a good day gang.

TERRI: We need a real singer.

PAIGE: Fine. (Gets up and spins Hazel's chair around to face them) Meet Hazel Spice. New member of PMS.

HAZEL: Really? (Paige nods) (Singing, not very well) Amazing grace. How sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me.

PAIGE: OK, (moving out of classroom) Can we please keep it to a dull roar?

HAZEL: I've been taking voice for three years now. You won't regret this.

TERRI: And we can use my English poetry lyrics.


Ms. Kwan's room.

Terri's standing up, reading her poem.

TERRI: I pray at night, you'll see the light. You'll come and hold me, till everything's all right. I wish I knew, just what to do, to make this secret wish come true.

SPINNER: (quietly to Jimmy) Cuz my poem smells like poo. (Jimmy laughs)

MS. KWAN: Guys. Thanks Terri. (Teri smiles and sits down)

TERRI: What'd you think?

PAIGE: It was sweet, in a rhyming dictionary sort of way.

MS. KWAN: Ashley, you ok to go next?

ASHLEY: (standing up, begins to read) It happens to other people. You say how said, you say poor thing But when it's you it's something else. It's everything. It started with something minor, went from there to something worse. (looks up at Jimmy) The friends you loved and thought you knew, just disappeared. (Jimmy looks up at her) It felt so weird. (Paige and Terri look at her) Half blessing, half curse. It happens to other people. You say how sad, you say poor thing. (Sits down).


Mr. Simpson's class.

Sean is doing a PowerPoint presentation.

SEAN: When Gottlieb Daimler died in 1900, he had no idea how far or how fast the Boneshaker motorcycle he invented would take us. Thanks. (Sits back down and students clap a bit)

MR. SIMPSON: Good edition to our biography file. Uh, we have time for one more… Liberty. (Liberty gets up and prepares to do her presentation.)

JT: I have something done on time for once, and we run out of time. Typical.

TOBY: Typical is your project.

JT: Mr. Simpson said we could do our project on anyone we wanted.

TOBY: Anyone appropriate. Something tell me Hugh Hefner doesn't count.

JT: As my quest for a woman goes on, name me a better role model. (In background, Liberty puts on a backwards hat)

TOBY: Just go for Liberty already.

JT turns around and looks at Liberty, who is bending over, grabbing something from a bag. He makes a fake shivering noise.

TOBY: (in background, Liberty puts on wild print shirt) That's not how she feels about you. In fact, she finds you fascinating. Just wait and see.

JT: Ok. Now you're scaring me.

LIBERTY: Fellow students. (Blows a kazoo) My hero isn't from the history books. He'll be famous later. The next Jim Carey. (Pic of JT in a funny hat comes up on screen and the class laughs)

LIBERTY: Yuck it up, Tobester. I'm JT Yorke, here to talk about my favorite subject, myself. (Pic changes to young JT on a rocking horse) You're gonna love it cuz it don't get any cooler than Yokeman: The Early years. (More laughs) From the very beginning, I was a real urban cowboy. (Pic changes to JT in a powder blue suit.)

JT: You gave her my photo album?

TOBY: (fake innocent) Mio?

LIBERTY: They call me the terminator. (Pic of JT in speedo, inner tube and arm floaties and another of him in just a Speedo in a model pose. Even more laughing. Another on of him in Speedo and equipment, doing a body builder pose)



A group of people are laughing.

EMMA: The shot of him in the headgear, I thought I was going to lose it.

JT: (walking up) It wasn't that funny.

TOBY: Trust me, it was.

JT: Imitation is the lowest form of humor.

 LIBERTY: It wasn't an imitation. It was an homage. A tribute.

JT: You want a tribute? (Clears throat) (In girly voice) You take that back. I do to have friends. Ten textbooks, a thousand stuffed animals. Oh, and sometimes, my parents even like me. (Liberty walks away, partially running into JT)

EMMA: (Walking and running into him) Loser.

MANNY: (doing the same) Freak.

JT: Jeez. (Shakes head) (Bell rings)


Music room.

Hazel is doing scales, not very well.

PAIGE: Hazel. (Hazel stops. Paige is holding a guitar) Must you?

TERRI: (Coming in, wearing her PMS outfit from Season one, when they did lunchtime cabaret.) Sorry I'm late. I wanted to get in the mood.

PAIGE: You wore that last year. And cheesy pop chicks are over. Why do you have to be so out of touch?

TERRI: (Strapping on bass) Why do you have to be so mean?

PAIGE: I'm not mean. I'm right. So, new wardrobe please.

TERRI: (taking off sunglasses) No.

PAIGE: Pardon?

TERRI: What didn't you get? I said no.

HAZEL: Terri.

TERRI: Paige doesn't understand that word. Never has.

PAIGE: You better stop right there.

HAZEL: Ok, Paige. Look, we want to win, so let's just rehearse, ok? (Looks at Paige) Paige? (Looks at Terri) terr? (Paige turns on backbeat on keyboard. Terri starts playing bass)

HAZEL: (singing loudly and poorly) I wish I knew Just what to do, yeah. To make this secret wish come true. (Paige takes off guitar) Paige? What are you doing?

PAIGE: This isn't working. (Terri stops playing and Paige walks out of room. Terri shrugs)


Outside Ashley's house.

Paige walks up to door. Can hear Ashley playing piano and singing inside. Paige knocks on door and Ashley answers it.

ASHLEY: What are you doing here?


Inside Ashley's house.

Ashley is sitting on piano bench.

ASHLEY: I can't believe you're even asking.

PAIGE: We need you. It's embarrassing.

ASHLEY: (sarcastically) On no. can't let this happen. Poor Paige.

PAIGE: Your poem was great. It's about something real and it made me think.

ASHLEY: It doesn't matter. It's gonna be just like last year.

PAIGE: It won't. I promise.

ASHLEY: (sighs) I wanted to take it seriously, but you guys wouldn't.

PAIGE: We cheesed out. But this time we need to sing about real stuff.

ASHLEY: Like what?

PAIGE: Like how it feels when you're dumped. Or, like… abuse. Pain. Feeling sad. Whatever you want. Just so long as it means something.

ASHLEY: This doesn't sound like Paige.

PAIGE: Without you, we don't have chance.

ASHLEY: (turns around and plays something on piano) Do you seriously think we have a chance?

PAIGE: You know what? I do. (Ashley turns around, smiles and gives a nod)


Music room.

Ashley is there, playing something on the keyboard. There are papers on the keyboard as well. Paige, Terri, and Hazel come in.

PAIGE: We have lyrics?

ASHLEY: Just finished them this morning. (Grabs papers and walks over to them and gives them each a sheet) And I printed out copies for each of you in media immersion.

PAIGE: Sneaky girl. (Begins to read)

ASHLEY: The melody's the same, but the words are way more powerful now.

HAZEL: It's kind of heavy.

ASHLEY: Well, yeah, I mean, it's about rape. Paige said last night, let's make it real. My poem was ok, but I did some research online.

PAIGE: You took my body and tore it in half? This really isn't working for me.

ASHLEY: But the stories are incredible. From girls our age. You wouldn't believe some of the things I read.

PAIGE: Let's use the original lyrics, ok?

ASHLEY: But this is way more interesting.

TERRI: I agree.

PAIGE: (raising voice a bit) Well, I don't really care. I like the original version better. (Puts on guitar. Ashley storms over to keyboard and turns on backbeat.)



Liberty, Emma, and Manny are walking, looking at paintings.

LIBERTY: Your painting is masterful.

MANNY: It took ages to mix that many shades of pink.

LIBERTY: Well worth it. I'd like to work on my artsy side.

JT: (at locker) But that might distract you from being, you know, deebo supreme

EMMA: can't you just lay off? (Girls start to walk away)

JT: Oh, Liberty can dish it out, but she can't take it.

LIBERTY: (turning around and raising voice) I didn't dish and I'm not a geek, JT Dork

JT: Oh, them's fightin' words.

LIBERTY: You want fighting words? Ok, sucky baby. Poor sport.

JT: Priss face. Goody-to-shoes.

LIBERTY: You don't even know me. You don't know one true thing about me.

JT: You want one true thing? You're boring. B-O-R-I-N-G. (Has red permanent marker in hand and points with it for every letter)

LIBERTY: Stunned. JT spelled a word.

JT: You want another one? Fun. F-U-N. Something you wouldn't know if it came up and bit you on the butt.

LIBERTY: (grabs marker and writes a big A in a circle on JT's locker) Fun enough for you? (Throws marker on floor and walks away. JT tries to wipe it off with his hand but has no luck)


Mr. Simpson's room.

Paige is the only one there. She's sitting down and reading Ashley's lyrics, a single tear running down her cheek.

ASHLEY: (coming in room) You wanna win, right?

PAIGE: Not with those lyrics. You've written-

ASHLEY: I wrote exactly what we talked about. Something real. This is just like last year.

PAIGE: Give it up Ashley, ok?

ASHLEY: Tell me what's wrong with the new lyrics and I will.

PAIGE: (standing up. People are starting to filter in) Singing a song about rape will not win the contest.

ASHLEY: I thought we had an agreement.

PAIGE: (yelling) I said something real. Not something you got off the internet and don't know anything about.

ASHLEY: I'm allowed to imagine.

PAIGE: No, you're not! (The whole class is looking at them, including Mr Simpson.) (Quietly) After school in the music room. Bring the right lyrics. (Ashley walks away and Paige sits down.)



JT is running to catch up with Liberty.

JT: Liberty, how could you do that?

LIBERTY: Go away, little man.

JT: You wrote graffiti on my locker.

LIBERTY: I'm on fire.

JT: You're on something.

LIBERTY: No stranger to danger, my friend. I laugh at authority. (She's now in the doorway to Ms. Kwan's class)

MR. RADITCH: Mr. Yorke. (Walking up to them) Hold it. Do you have anything to say?

JT: About?

MR. RADITCH: About that little piece of art people say they saw you creating. (in the doorway, Liberty is smiling)

JT: It wasn't me. I didn't do it. (Mr. Raditch grabs JT'S hand, which has ink on it) Mr. Raditch, I was, I was, trying to erase it. (Mr. Raditch drags JT down the hall) I didn't put it on there

MS. KWAN: Come on in. Take a seat. (Liberty sits down while Ms. Kwan closes the door) Ok, back to Lord of the Flies

TOBY: (whispering) Hey, have you seen JT?

LIBERTY: I think your little friend is in the office, with Mr. Raditch.

TOBY: That's it.

LIBERTY: What do you mean?

TOBY: They'll call his mom. And JT's mom…


TOBY: Battleaxe. Threatened to send him to private school if he got in trouble with Raditch again. I hope you said good-bye.


Music room.

Paige, Terri, and Ashley are practicing.

ASHLEY: (singing) It happens to other people. You say how, you say poor thing. But when it's you it's different. It's everything. (Hazel walks in) The friends you loved and thought you knew, just disappeared (Hazel holds up sign that says "I can't sing" They stop playing)

PAIGE: Hun, you're not that bad. (Hazel turns sign over. It says "polyps")

TERRI: (trying to read) po-lipe-sis?

HAZEL: (in soft, strained voice) Polyps. Over practice.

TERRI: But we go on tomorrow.

PAIGE: Ash, you're singing the solo.

ASHLEY: Awesome. Sorry Hazel. (Hazel grabs tambourine) One, two, three, four. (Start playing again) You took my body and tore it in half. You took my childhood, my heart and my laugh. (Paige strums guitar, not playing a real chord. Everyone stops playing)

PAIGE: (yelling) How many times do I have to say it? We're not using those lyrics. (Takes off guitar)

ASHLEY: Paige, if i'm singing, then those are the lyrics I'll perform.

PAIGE: I can't believe I wanted you back in this band. (Walks off, taking lyrics off keyboard, crunching them, and throwing them on the floor.)



Paige opens her locker and Ashley comes out to talk to her.

ASHLEY: The song is stronger. Anyone with half an emotion would know that.

PAIGE: What do you know about rape?

ASHLEY: I researched it. I know a lot more about it than you do. (Paige slams locker and sits on ground, crying) Paige?

PAIGE: Just leave me alone.

ASHLEY: (Sitting down) I, I had no idea. I'm so sorry. (Puts her hand on Paige’s.)

PAIGE: Nobody knows. Just hazel. I keep trying to forget, but i can't. He's in my nightmares.

ASHLEY: Have you been to a doctor?

PAIGE: He wore a condom. Very thoughtful, huh?

ASHLEY: What about a councilor?

PAIGE: I can't, ok? I just, I can't. And I can't play that song. I know it's about a virgin but… (Puts head on Ashley’s shoulder)

ASHLEY: It's ok. We'll play the other one tomorrow. It's ok. It's gonna be ok, Paige.



Mr. Raditch is holding a jar of soapy water and a toothbrush, which he hands to JT.

MR. RADITCH: The custodial staff have requested that you leave a streak free shine. I couldn't reach your mother, but when this is clean, we'll call again.

LIBERTY: (running up) I did it. I'm a vandal.

MR. RADITCH: This is no time to be covering for Mr. Yorke

LIBERTY: I'm not covering. It was a bad thing to do. (Looking at JT) It wasn't boring, but it was pretty stupid.

MR. RADITCH: And you did this? (Liberty nods) Why?

LIBERTY: I was acting on impulse, Sir (JT smiles)

JT: I told you I didn't do it. (Hands brush and water to Liberty.)

LIBERTY: It was truant, rebellious, misdirected-

MR. RADITCH: Ok, Mr. Yorke, you are free to go. (He and JT walk away and Liberty starts to clean)


Backstage at the Pro-Voice contest.

Paige is looking at herself in a mirror.

ASHLEY: You look totally gorgeous. You ok?

PAIGE: yeah, I promise.

TERRI: (holding bass) I am so nervous.

PAIGE: (picking up guitar) Don't sweat it. We'll be fine.

ASHLEY: No, we'll be great. Original lyrics and all.

ANNOUNCER: Our next band is a group from Degrassi. Give it up for PMS. (Hear applause)

TERRI: (girls do handshake) Let's go do it. (Girls go on stage.)

ASHLEY: (Paige and Terri are plugging into the amps on stage) Alright. We are PMS and this is Poor Thing. (Turns on backbeat. Hazel and Terri start playing. Paige strums and turns around and heads over to mic. She sees Dean in the audience. He smiles and nods to say hello. Paige backs up. Hazel and Terri stop playing. Paige turns around to face Ashley)

ASHLEY: (moving her mike) What's going on?

PAIGE: He's here.


PAIGE: Him. I can't. (Looks to Dean who smiles and nods again.) It, it happens to other people. You say how sad, you say poor thing. (Turns to face audience and starts walking to mike) But when it's you it's something else. It's everything. (Plays chord and looks at Dean) You'll never know the nightmares. (Plays chord) Never know the pain you caused. (Plays more) You'll never see the scars you left. (Dean looks mad and the other girls come in) The things you stole. Everything was lost. (Dean stands up. Others sing when needed, otherwise it's just Paige) You took my body. Tore it in half. (Dean looks at Paige, then walks out. Paige keeps her eyes on him until he's gone) You took my childhood, my heart, and my laugh. You took everything I kept for myself. Then you're gone. I'm not your poor thing. You took my body. Tore it in half. You took my childhood, my heart, and my laugh. (In audience, Ellie is smiling) You took everything I kept for myself. Then you're gone. I'm not your poor thing.


School hallway.

JT's sitting on a bench. He throws something at a garbage can, but misses.

LIBERTY: (appearing with a broom and dustpan) Pick it up liter bug.

JT: What are you doing?

LIBERTY: (cleaning) AM and PM liter duty. A whole week of it.

JT: Raditch threw the book at you, huh?

LIBERTY: Totally. He even called my parents. But JT, (Sits down next to him) thanks for sticking up for me

JT: Whatever.

LIBERTY: I think I might also owe you an apology.

JT: Nah, you fessed up. That was cool.

LIBERTY: Did JT Yorke just call me cool?

JT: Don't let it go to your head. See ya around, rebel. (Puts face close to hers, then gets up and starts walking away. He turns to look at her again, and winks, then starts walking again and shakes his head)


Different part of hallway.

Paige, Terri, Hazel and Ashley are laughing.

HAZEL: I guess those California beach boys will have to wait.

ASHLEY: LA's really not that great. It's all like, mini malls and freeways.

ELLIE: (catches up and puts arms around Paige and Ashley) You were robbed. I can't believe you only got an honorable mention.

PAIGE: Seriously? You liked it?

ELLIE: (nodding) Paige, you were awesome. Truly.

ASHLEY: But she was right though. A song about rape will never come in first.

PAIGE: Especially not when I'm singing it. (They laugh. Paige and Ashley stop while the others walk on. They're outside the guidance office.)

ASHLEY: So, you ok?

PAIGE: I'm ready to talk at least. Well, as ready as I'll ever be. (Paige opens door and starts to go in)



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04.05.2019 vers 13h

13.03.2019 vers 19h

27.03.2018 vers 21h

Date inconnue

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !