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#409 : Un héros malheureux

Après la tuerie de l'école, tout le monde en parle pour exorciser leurs peurs et enfin pouvoir tourner la page de ce tragique évènement. Mais Sean, qui croit qu'il a tout sous contrôle, ne s'est peut-être pas remis comme il le croit, et devra retourner chez lui pour affronter son passé. Enfin, JT et Danny repoussent Toby, qui s'était lié d'amitié avec le tueur, alors que ce dernier prévoit de se rendre aux funérailles de Rick...


4 - 1 vote

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Un héros malheureux

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Scénario : Miklos Perlus, Aaron Martin
Réalisation : Ron Murphy

Guest stars
: Jayne Eastwood (Mme Cameron), Jennifer Podemski (Mme Sauve), Cynthia Asperger (Mme Murray), Inga Cadranel (Rachel Roberts, la journaliste), Brandon Carrera (Tyler Bishop), Shawn Lawrence (M. Cameron)

> Captures

Outside the school. Sean is flipping through some newspapers

Sean: We’re on the front page of some. Isn’t that cool?

Ellie: Yeah it’s Monday and they are still writing about the shooting.

Mr. Raditch: (to reporters) Today is a day of reflection. Counselors will be available. Student’s can talk, express their feelings. After which it’s important that we get things back to normal.

Rachel Rhodes: Sean Cameron!! If I could just talk to you for two minutes on camera!?

Ellie: Come on Sean.

Rachel: Your boyfriend’s a hero. All I want to know is what it feels like.

(People are standing around looking and pointing at Sean.)

Sean: Um, I guess I’m about to find out.

In the gymnasium. A circle of students are sitting with Ms. Sauvé

Paige: I feel totally helpless. What if Jimmy never recovers? What if he never walks again?

Ms. Sauvé: Jimmy needs help. You can give him that.

In Mr. Simpson’s class

Mr. Simpson: There’s no excuse. None for what Rick did, but labeling him a monster is not gonna help us understand why it happened.

Toby: Rick was bullied, really bad.

Craig: Come on Toby, don’t make Rick the victim.

Toby: I’m not. Just think how he must have felt.

Mr. Simpson: Do you ever feel that desperate? That angry? You need to talk to an adult before it reaches a crisis point.

Toby: What if nobody listens?

Mr. Simpson: Then keep trying. Somebody will.

Craig: So what? We’re supposed to rat?

Mr. Simpson: It’s not about getting people in trouble Craig. It’s about getting them and you out of trouble.

Back in the gymnasium

Marco: (holding a white mask against his face) I am shaken. I want to turn back time. I need…I need to believe that life’s better than this.

Ms. Sauve: Thank you Marco. Okay, who’s next? Sean. Let’s hear from you. Just repeat the three phrases. I am. I want. I need. Go ahead.

Sean: (reluctantly putting up the mask) I am Sean Cameron. I want some chocolate milk and I need this stupidity to be over.

Ms. Sauve: Fine, no mask, but I’d still like to hear from you.

Sean: I was faced with a situation. I dealt with it. End of story.

Ms. Sauve: It’s perfectly normal for those who witness violence to have feelings of guilt Sean.

Sean: Guilt? I stopped Rick from killing people. I sleep like a baby.

Ms. Sauve: But someone did die, Sean. Rick.

Sean: Luck of the draw. (he gets up and leaves)

In Mr. Simpson’s class, Sean knocks on the door

Mr. Simpson: Sean. Come on in. Glad you’re here today and that you’re not going through this alone.

Sean: Through what? The bullet missed me.

Mr. Simpson: Everyone’s talking about what a hero you are. Hey I’m in the uh ‘Sean’s a hero camp’ myself, but you were involved in something horrible. I hope your friends understand that.

Sean: Everyone’s been great Mr. S.

Mr. Simpson: Are you letting yourself deal?

(Emma comes rushing in crying.)

Emma: Dad I can’t take it. Everyone’s staring at me everywhere I go!!

(Emma grabs Sean and hugs him, still crying.)

Emma: Sean. Sean. I never got to say you saved my life. You saved my life.

Mr. Simpson: We all need some closure Sean. That’s what today is all about.

Outside the school

Alex: It’s only an hour Jay.

Jay: Sixty minutes of Sauvé going blah, blah, blah it’s okay to cry. Right.

Alex: You may not need to talk about what happened, but I do.

Jay: Yeah well just watch what you do talk about!!

Ellie: You didn’t try.

Sean: Masks?! Ellie come on.

Rachel: So do an interview. You know I’m putting together a piece on you Sean.

Ellie: Do what you want. We don’t get cable.

Rachel: Sean’s mom does. I interviewed her yesterday. She had a lot to say.

(They watch the interview with on a computer in the news van.)

Mrs. Cameron: Well Sean’s had his share of problems, but nothing compared with this kid.

Rachel: So did it come as a surprise to you when you heard Sean was a hero?

Mrs. Cameron: Well he always was a strong boy. No fear. And that used to get him into trouble all the time, but it sounds like it saved him his life this time.

Rachel: He saved a lot of lives.

Mrs. Cameron: (she starts to cry) Yeah. I’m sorry, I just can’t stop thinking what if that kid had shot my Sean?! What if I never got to see my baby again?! Oh god. I miss him. I love him so much!!

(Emma walks over to Jay by his car where he’s blasting the radio.)

Jay: Just running the battery green peace. Pollution free.

Emma: It’s noise pollution. But that’s not why I’m here. Have you seen Sean?

(Jay nods towards the news van.)

Emma: He’s talking to her?!

(Sean walks out and smashes the computer on the ground.)

Rachel: Sean they clearly love you.

Sean: I’m full of love today.

Jay: Woah buddy.

Sean: Shut up. Move. I’m driving. Get in.

Ellie: Just calm down.

Sean: No. You wanted me to express myself. This is me expressing myself. Emma, you coming or what?!

(They all get in the car.)

Jay: So where to Bam Bam?

Sean: Wasaga Beach. Home.

At the basketball courts

Toby: JT. Danny.

JT: Hi.

Danny: Bye.

Toby: Um I just got Draco’s Quest 2 if you guys ever want to play.

JT: Trying to cut down.

Toby: I was there JT!

So what do you want me to say? Ok, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you became friends with a psycho! You knew what Rick was like.

Toby: I didn’t know he was gonna bring a gun to school.

JT: Really?!

In Wasaga Beach, a montage of people on the beach having fun, then it shows the car pulling up to Sean’s parent’s house

Jay: Is it a house? Is it a lunchbox?

Sean: It’s where I was born!

Ellie: Maybe you should cool off a bit.

Sean: We’ve been driving for two hours. I’m cool.

Ellie: You’re not.

Emma: Let him go Ellie. He should have done this years ago.

(Sean walks up to the door and starts banging on it.)

Mrs. Cameron: Hold your horses I’m coming. Alright! Sean!! I heard what happened…

Sean: Yeah I know. That was quite the performance. Oh I miss my baby. What if I never get to see him again?! Oh I love him. Boo hoo.

Mrs. Cameron: Oh Sean.

Sean: Next interview try telling them the truth. Like how you gave up on me, how you booted me out of your life. Stop playing the poor abandoned mother role because nobody’s buying it. Especially not me!

(She nods, walks back inside and closes the door.)

At the beach

(Jay and Sean have buried Ellie and Emma in the sand.)

Ellie: It’s like a mud bath, but it’s cold and sandy and it kind of smells like fish. Ew.

(Emma tries to get out of the sand.)

Jay: Yo, Cameron! Sprout’s getting loose!

(Sean looks up at a guy on a skidoo.)

Jay: Who you checking out? All I see is some guy.

Sean: It’s Tyler Bishop.

Emma: He’s the kid you deafened.

Sean: In one ear. Idiot jumped me. Thought he was tough. I was tougher.

Jay: So he got half deaf while you got sent to Toronto, to Tracker, to student welfare? If you ask me, I’d say this guy owes you.

At Jimmy’s locker, flowers, cards and pictures are on the ground

Manny: I didn’t know Jimmy had so many friends.

Toby: Jody Matenco(sp?), Heather Sinclair…A lot of these are from strangers.

Manny: Really?

Toby: People that don’t even know Jimmy care about him. My own friends won’t talk to me.

(Manny puts her hand on his shoulder.)

Toby: I have to go to Rick’s visitation tonight but I can’t face his mom.

Manny: What about JT?

Toby: What about him?

On the beach, at the skidoo renting place

Jay: So uh what’s it gonna cost to rent one of these things. You know (talking in a deaf person’s voice) ‘one of these things’?!

Tyler: (grabs Sean and tries to hit him) I never thought you’d be stupid enough to come back here Cameron!!

Ellie: Stop it! Stop it okay!!

Tyler: Papers think he’s some kind of hero. Wrestling gunslingers.

Sean: Didn’t know you could read.

Tyler: Saw your picture. Recognized the eyebrows. Pissed? Go on. Sucker punch me in the other ear and flee town. That’s your move isn’t it?

Sean: Let’s go.

Tyler: Or do you kill and run these days? Cause the kid died this time. Didn’t he hero?

(Sean goes to punch him but Jay holds him back.)

Tyler: Sixty bucks, sixty minutes. Free for you trailer park boy. Wouldn’t want to take your lunch money…again!

Down on the beach

Ellie: So that was fun. Meeting Tyler.

Sean: Good times.

Ellie: Got a lot off his chest. Sean-

Sean: What?!

Ellie: Your stories don’t really mesh.

Sean: So you believe him?

Ellie: I don’t know what to believe ok?! I am trying to understand what you’re going through but you won’t even talk to me!!

Sean: You want me to talk?! Fine!! When the gun went off, my hand was covered in warm liquid. I thought I pissed myself, but then I realized that I was drenched with Rick’s blood. And then, and then when he fell…-

Ellie: Sean…

Sean: No!!

Ellie: Sean!!

Sean: You’re not doing this to me!!!!

Ellie: Sean.

(Sean speeds off on the skidoo and flips over it falling into the water. He is floating facedown in the water.)

Ellie: Sean!!

(Tyler speeds off on a skidoo, pulls Sean out of the water and brings him back onto the beach.)

Ellie: Sean! Sean!!

Emma: Sean wake up!

(Sean wakes up coughing.)

Sean: What happened?

Ellie: You nearly drowned. Tyler saved your life.

(Sean looks up at Tyler and they both nod.)

Outside of the school

Manny: JT!

JT: Manny, how are you?

Manny: I’m alright. Better than a certain best friend of yours.

JT: Ex best friend. That was before he joined forces with Hellboy, who I know is a superhero but whatever.

Danny: Toby’s a geek. He always has been.

Manny: Okay, you out-geek them all James Tiberius York, but Toby was always there for you.

JT: Tiberius is a family name alright?!

Manny: If you hadn’t ditched him for Webster here he would have never hooked up with Rick.

JT: And you’re lecturing me on ditching people hmm.

Manny: Now I remember why we broke up. You just can’t be the bigger man.

(Manny walks away and Danny is about to say something.)

JT: Don’t say it.

Back on the beach

Emma: Sean. Maybe you need to see a doctor?

Sean: I’m fine. Just thinking.

Emma: About what?

Sean: Emma I’m sorry.

Emma: For what?

Sean: For last year you know? For everything I put you through. Everything. I’m sorry.

Emma: Ancient history. So maybe we should get going huh?

Sean: We got a pit stop to make first.

At Sean’s parent’s house

(Sean knocks on the door.)

Mr. Cameron: Door!!

Mrs. Cameron: You got legs don’t ya?!

(They both walk outside.)

Mr. Cameron: So uh how long till the cops get here?

Mrs. Cameron: No. No, Sean wait. Don’t please. Just ignore him. He didn’t mean it.

Sean: I’m here with friends dad. That’s all.

Mr. Cameron: It’s been over four years. No calls, no nothing. Now here you are? Expect us to believe it’s just for kicks?!

Mrs. Cameron: What I said to that reporter lady it wasn’t lies. I can’t cry on cue Sean. I mean we made a lot of mistakes, but sending you to Toronto that was the best thing we ever did. How else was I gonna keep you out of jail?!

Sean: I know.

Mr. Cameron: So why you back?

Sean: That kid at school. He was gonna shoot my friend… so I grabbed the gun and it went off. (Sean starts to cry and his parents hug him) I think… I think I might have, I might have killed him. I might have killed him. He’s dead! He’s dead!!

Mr. Cameron: It’s okay kid. It’s alright. You’re home. We got you.

Mrs. Cameron: It’s alright.

Mr. Cameron: It’ll be alright.

At Rick’s funeral

Toby: I can’t do this.

Manny: It’s, it’s okay. We can just leave.

Mrs. Murray: Toby!! You came! (She hugs him) You were always such a good friend. Such a good friend.

JT: (walks in) Mrs. Murray, I just wanted to say I’m very sorry for what happened.

Mrs. Murray: You were a friend of Rick’s??

JT: It was a tragedy. I’m very sorry.

Mrs. Murray: (she hugs him) Thank you. Thank you.

JT: It doesn’t matter what I thought of Rick. It still shouldn’t have happened.

Back at Sean’s parent’s house

Sean: I told them everything.

Ellie: Let’s get you out of here.

Sean: Ellie. Look I don’t know how-

Ellie: You’re, you’re staying aren’t you?! Sean please. I love you.

Sean: I love you too… but Ellie.

Ellie: When are you coming back?!

Jay: Yo Cameron get in the car.

Sean: Staying! I’m staying. Look for the first time in my life I need to be here with my parents, to deal.

Jay: You sure about this? Okay man. See you. (They hug)

(Ellie is crying and Emma is watching Sean through the window of the car as they drive off.)

Scenes for next week

Craig: There’s nothing going on with me and Ash. We’re friends.

Jimmy: (smiling in a hospital bed) Okay.

Voiceover: The band hits a low note when Craig asks Ashley to join them.

Ashley: I can see us going really far. The band, I mean.

Craig: Love songs are brutal.

(Craig and Ashley are kissing.)

Craig: (to the camera) Especially when you’re in love.

Craig: Ashley and I… we’re, we’re back!

Marco: We have to fire her.

Spinner: Either she goes or we do ok? Cause it’s not working.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

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chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

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