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Episode 8 : Turned Out (Part 2)

¤ JT : I lost my girl, I lost my best friend, I lost my job, and my... my family. Now I'm probably going to jail.


Episode 9 : Tell It To My Heart

¤ Marco : So we're not gonna talk about this?
Mr. Del Rossi : I'm too tired for talking.
Marco : No Pa, no, stop. Did you ever know? Huh? All these years-Pa, did you ever know that I was gay?
Mr. Del Rossi : Stop saying that.
Marco : I can't. Pa it's taken me seventeen years to say it. I'm gay. Gay. I'm totally gay.
Mr. Del Rossi : This is funny to you?
Marco : No Pa no, this is not funny at all! I just came out to you in front of the entire school, does that sound like a joke to you?
Mr. Del Rossi : Look, you're my boy and I love you. You're the best son a father could ever want. But this part of you I don't want to know, I can't know about!
Marco : Then you don't want know me.
(Mr. Del Rossi walks away. Marco sighs.)
Mrs. Del Rossi : He will Marco. One day.
Marco : Yeah. One day.


Episode 16 : Our Lips Are Sealed (Part 2)

¤ Spike : You're not going anywhere.
Emma : But it was just a panic attack.
Spike : Brought on by starvation. A psychiatrist is coming to talk to you and she might diagnose you as anorexic.
Emma : I want to go home.
Spike : Honey, you can't. You just can't.
Manny : Em, you have to stop. You have to stop or you're gonna die. You can't do that to me.
Emma : No one's gonna die, okay? I'm gonna try to beat this, Manny. I am. I'm gonna try to beat this.

Ecrit par brucas59 

Répliques marrantes

Episode 1 : Venus (Part 1)

¤ Emma : So now instead of just being tongue-tied in front of him I will actually have to barf on his shoes!

¤ Craig : Stop staring.
: Stop being an ass.

¤ Jimmy : (watching Manny's striptease movie) Manny Santos my how you've grown!


Episode 2 : Venus (Part 2)

¤ Peter : You know what I think? I think you're so desperate for attention that you'll do anything... you're a big fat attention whore!
(Manny throws his lunch on him.)
Peter : An attention whore with a bad temper!


Episode 4 : Foolin'

¤ JT : Actually, I gave Liberty a really good driving lesson. She's uh, she's pretty handy with the ole' stick shift.


Episode 5 : Weddings, Parties, Anything

¤ Manny : Did you just throw a drumstick at my head?
Ellie : You could feel it through all that hairspray? Amazing.

¤ JT : If theres anything I could do for you, anything at all, I'll do it.
Liberty : You could mangle your male parts in a tragic industrial accident.


Episode 9 : Tell It To My Heart

¤ Emma : You're having a party.
Peter : You're busy with the drama festival, remember?
Emma : Which I can't believe you're bailing on.
Peter : I have more than enough drama in my life these days.

¤ Emma : Its a camera phone.
Manny : So?
Emma : So Peter needs to learn that paybacks are hell and I happen to think he needs to learn it from us.
Manny : And thats why you're my bestest friend in the whole wide world!
Emma : Time for a picture. Cheese!

¤ Marco : Tim stayed over last night.
Paige : I hope you were safe.
Marco : What?!? No! Totally missing the point. Look, he came out to his dad, who then promptly kicked him out.
Paige : Wow. I just went from excitement to horror in five seconds. Acting has put me in touch with my emotions.


Episode 10 : Redemption Song

¤ Darcy : Jay? They let you out on parole?
Jay : I'm off on good behavior. Oh hey, Nuns-R-Us is having a black and white sale, you should really check that out.
Spinner : Funny. You guys always have to do this?

¤ Spinner : It's about time buddy, let's go.
Jay : looking at the girls in bathing suits a a campout "Sweet mother Mary, who knew Christian girls could be so hot?"
Spinner : Yeah, but trust me, this place is no party.
Jay : Not yet.
Spinner : No, no, no, what are you doing?
Jay : I just drove two hours for you. At least let me join your Christian friends for a tasty hotdog or a cool, refreshing beverage.
Spinner : One hotdog, the beer stays in the car, your mouth stays shut and something else stays in your pants. Clear?
Jay : I don't know. Let me pray on it.

¤ Jay : Spinner, slow down. I was just about to redefine bible pumping.
Spinner : Nah man, you were just about to take a hike.
Jay : Praise the lord. Those freaks have really got to you.
Spinner : Have you always been this stupid or am I just noticing it now?
Jay : Ever since you met miss WWJD, I don't even know who you are anymore. What kind of hold does she have on you, anyways? Is she that good in bed?
Spinner : It's not like that, man. We don't even have sex.
Jay : No sex. Nothing. Are you kidding me? What's her problem?
Spinner : She believes in something. Is that impossible to get into your twisted little brain?
Jay : No. Whatever, I just want you to be happy.


Episode 13 : Together Forever

¤ Alex : And upon hearing the word boring, Hazel magically appears...


Episode 14 : I Against I

¤ Spinner : Girls, could I interest you in this interesting pamphlet about Jesus?
Paige : Spin, may I suggest methadone to uh, kick the Christian habit?
Spinner : Its not a habit, Paige. Its for life and beyond.

¤ Ellie : Okay, I cannot believe Friendship Club brainwashed Spinner!
Jimmy : Theres not much brain to wash.

¤ Emma : Today I need all the help I can get. It was supposed to be Mom's third wedding anniversary, but I've got a surprise later thats really gonna make her happy.
Manny : Male strippers dropping it like its hot? Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Emma : Okay Manny, I think removing you from public is a good idea for us all.


Episode 15 : Our Lips Are Sealed (Part 1)

¤ Manny : My thighs are an epidemic and they're taking over the WORLD!


Episode 16 : Our Lips Are Sealed (Part 2)

¤ Hazel : Paige isn't talking to me.
Alex : Me neither.
Hazel : Well, I happen to be upset about it.
Alex : So do. I have feelings, you know.
Hazel : And when Paige gets upset...
Alex : Tell me about it! Shes the most stubbornest person I ever knew.
Hazel : Oh, me too! And if you really want to know how bad a freeze out can get, phone Ashley Kerwin up!

¤ Hazel : I shouldn't have dived over the counter for that whipped cream canister.
Alex : If only those German tourists hadn't gotten in the way!


Episode 17 : Total Eclipse Of The Heart

¤ Paige : Just wait til university. According to Dylan, it only gets harder.
Marco : Dylan? How is the satan child anyway?
Ellie : Question- who's still bitter over last year? Answer- Marco Del Rossi.
Marco : Stop. I am so over that guy. I've already forgotten who we're talking about.
Alex : Good. So then lets talk about stalker boy, Tim. Your lovesick shadow.

¤ Manny : Are you coo coo bananas?


Episode 18 : High Fidelity (Part 1)

¤ Marco : Woah, Spin. You look like you lived through a country song.
Spinner : My dog is fine. The truck runs too.


Episode 19 : High Fidelity (Part 2)

¤ Emma : Manny, that was awesome. Don't forget us when you're on Broadway!
Peter : (hands Manny a tape) Show your agent. Maybe it'll help you get there.
Manny : You taped it?
Peter : Yeah. I used my powers for good this time!

¤ Snake : (morning after Paige has slept with Spinner, she is peppy) Wow, Paige, I hope we each get some of what's gotten into you!
Paige : I'm not sure that's advisable, Mr. Simpson...

Ecrit par brucas59 
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Aloha81, Hier à 12:37

Aloha ! Nouvelle PDM et le nouveau calendrier est arrivé sur le quartier Magnum P.I. !

Aloha81, Hier à 12:38

Sachez que vous pouvez toujours voter au sondage ! Bon week-end à tous !

Locksley, Hier à 14:44

Beaucoup de news paraissent chaque jour sur les séries TV, n'hésitez pas à nous aider à publier ces nombreuses actus !

Locksley, Hier à 14:45

Merci d'avance pour votre aide et excellent week-end !

ShanInXYZ, Hier à 18:59

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, PDM et songage spécial Guests d'autres séries, le jeu Doctor Who ? Passez voir le Docteur

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