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#206 : Une virée mémorable

Joey emmène sa petite amie en week-end et Craig est surpris quand il lui annonce qu'il peut faire ce qu'il veut, même inviter ses copains. Après un après-midi ennuyeux, les garçons sont impatients de s'échapper. Ils vont faire un tour avec la voiture de Joey…


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Une virée mémorable

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Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Scénario : Aaron Martin
 : Stefan Scaini

Guest stars : George Buza (Attila), Maria Ricossa (Kate Kerwin), Carla Collins (dans son propre rôle), Christopher Bondy (le client inquiet)


Dans l'entreprise concessionnaire de Joey, Craig vente les mérites d'une voiture à un client et Joey le complimente sur son naturel. Il lui confie la mission d'aller nettoyer une voiture qu'un autre client va venir essayer. Il donne les clés à Craig qui est ravi de la conduire. Il monte dedans, tout excité, et démarre le moteur.


Chez Joey, Craig descend les escaliers et rejoint Joey dans la cuisine qui est au téléphone. Il raccroche et Craig demande où il va aller puisque Joey ne sera pas là le week-end. Joey lui dit qu'il restera seul. Il a 14 ans et sait cuisiner et nettoyer. Tout se passera donc bien. Craig réalise qu'il a la gestion de la maison pour tout le week-end. Joey précise qu'il y a 3 règles : pas de fête, pas de filles, pas d'alcool. Mais, il peut inviter des copains s'il le veut. Craig acquiesce et dit qu'il peut compte sur lui. Joey le sait.

Dans les couloirs de Degrassi, Marco, Jimmy et Spinner parlent de places de concert pour Kid Albert. Jimmy n'a pas pu en obtenir. Spinner demande à Marco dont la mère travaille dans la musique, mais Marco précise qu'elle est seulement professeur de piano. Craig les rejoint et leur demande qui est mort. Marco annonce qu'ils ne peuvent pas aller au concert et Craig leur dit qu'ils sont de toute façon invités chez lui ainsi que Sean. Jimmy refuse et s'éloigne. Spinner demande s'ils font la fête. Craig répond non. Des filles ? Non. De l'alcool ? Non. Des donuts ? Craig acquiesce et Spinner di qu'il sera là.

Dans les couloirs, Ashley et Ellie sont à leurs casiers. Ashley parle de cours, mais Ellie lui demande ce qu'elles font le week-end. Ashley propose d'aller voir un film au cinéma. Ellie ajoute qu'elle se fait percer le cartilage. Ashley aperçoit le nombril percé d'Ellie et demande si elle devrait le faire car il songe depuis un moment. Ellie lui propose de venir avec elle après l'école.

Dans la classe de Mme Kwan, celle-ci fait son cours. Craig s'ennuie et regarde l'horloge qui paraît avancer très lentement. Une fois que la sonnerie retentit, les garçons se sauvent en courant de l'école et vont chez Craig. Joey leur montre leurs provisions pour le week-end : des chips et un dîner. Lui et Bianca montent en voiture et s'en vont, souhaitant un bon week-end aux garçons.

Devant un perceur, Ellie pousse la porte pour entrer, mais Ashley hésite. Elles finissent par entrer et Attila perce l'oreille d'Ellie sous le regard d'Ashley. Elle termine et demande à Ashley si elle est toujours partante, proposant de revenir le lendemain matin. Ashley accepte et Attila lui tend un papier de permission à remplir par les parents en cas d'infection. Ashley comprend que sa mère n'acceptera jamais.

Dans le salon de Craig, les garçons s'ennuient. Sean et Marco jouent aux cartes. Spinner veut appeler Jimmy, ce qui énerve Sean. Tous deux se disputent. Craig les interrompt, rappelant qu'ils n'utilisent pas à bon escient une maison vide. Spinner leur demande de le suivre hors de la maison.

Spinner sort d'un magasin avec un sac. Il sort du sac du fromage en spray. Sean, Marco et Craig s'éloignent.

Dans la cuisine d'Ashley, Ashley demande la permission à sa mère pour se faire percer le nombril. Etonnemment, sa mère accepte, ajoutant qu'elle aimerait avoir 10 ans de moins. Elle signe la permission.

Dans le salon de Craig, Spinner mange du fromage. Marco leur propose un défi. Il compose un numéro et passe le téléphone à Sean. Sean dit à la personne en ligne que c'est la compagnie d'électricité. A l'autre bout du fil, Emma répond qu'il s'amuse à harceler son ex-petite amie. Sean raccroche et dit à Marco qu'il est un homme mort. Il lui court après dans la cuisine.

Sur le porche de Craig, les garçons écoutent la radio. Craig avoue qu'il les aime bien, que c'est la première fois qu'ils sont tous ensemble chez lui et que Joey est trop cool de lui laisser autant de liberté, comme de conduire. Il ajoute que c'est la chose la plus cool qu'il ait faite de sa vie. Sean dit qu'il donnerait n'importe quoi pour conduire, les fenêtres baissées, la musique à fond. Spinner demande s'il sait où sont les clés et Sean propose d'aller faire un tour du pâté de maison. Marco a peur de se faire attraper, mais Craig accepte et propose de le faire le lendemain.

Dans la cuisine de Craig le lendemain matin, Craig prend les clés et les autres garçons se lèvent, toujours motivés pour le tour en voiture. Craig leur sourit, les clés en main.

A la concession de Joey, les garçons entrent dans le bureau de Joey et prennent les clés de voiture. Le téléphone sonne, faisant crier Marco et sursauter les autres. Spinner veut qu'il réponde mais Sean rappelle qu'ils ne sont pas censés être là. Ils sortent et vont dans la voiture que Craig a déjà conduit. Marco ne veut toujours pas, mais Sean précise qu'ils ne feront que quelques tours. Craig démarre le moteur, mais calle. Il redémarre et sort du parking.

Devant la maison de Ashley, la mère de cette dernière demande si elles vont chez le perceur. Ellie lui propose de venir avec elles s'en faire un. La mère d'Ashley refuse, ajoutant qu'elle n'est pas aussi courageuse qu'elles deux.

En voiture, les garçons conduisent lentement. Spinner dit ironiquement que Craig devrait ralentir car il a peur. Ce dernier rigole, lui rappellant son idée de s'amuser avec un spray au fromage. La radio annonce que des places pour le concert de Kid Albert sont disponibles à Melview. Marco dit qu'ils pourront y être en 10 s'ils courent vite, mais Spinner dit qu'ils conduisent car dans 10 minutes, il y aura déjà trop de gens. Marco rappelle qu'ils ne devaient faire que le tour du pâté de maison. Spinner ajoute que c'était avant le concours et demande l'avis de Craig pour se décider. Craig sourit et appuie sur l'accélérateur.

Ashley et Ellie sont chez le perceur. Ashley est allongée, le tee-shirt relevé. Attila s'apprête à percer, mais Ashley repousse sa main, se rassied et ajoute qu'elle ne se fera pas percé même si ça a l'air cool.

Les garçons arrivent au parc à Melview. L'animateur radio demande le nom de la femme de Kid Albert. Craig court et dit qu'il est là pour le concours. L'animateur lui  pose la question et Craig répond que c'est une question piège car il est divorcé. L'animateur le félicite et lui dit qu'il a gagné 4 billets pour son concert ce soir. Les garçons remontent en voiture, incrédules d'avoir gagné. Spinner vomit dans la voiture à cause du fromage. Ils s'arrêtent à un feu rouge. Une voiture de police s'arrête à côté d'eux. Un policier parle à sa radio. Sean conseille à Craig de rester calme. La voiture de police allume ses sirènes et s'éloignent. Marco se trouve chanceux. Craig retourne au parking et les garçons sortent de la voiture. Tous sont ravis de cette virée mémorable en voiture. Joey sort de son bureau et leur crie dessus. Il demande s'ils connaissent une alarme silencieuse. Il ordonne à Sean, Marco et Spinner de partir. Ils s'exécutent.

Ashley et Ellie marchent dans le rue. Ellie demande si Ashley va reparler un jour, mais cette dernière dit qu'elle est une idiote qui s'est embarrassée. Elle est terrifiée par les aiguilles. Ellie demande pourquoi elle a voulu se faire percer. Ashley avoue qu'elle pensait que ce serait cool et elle voulait gagner des points avec Ellie. Cette dernière précise qu'Ashley est son amie et qu'elle n'a pas besoin d'un piercing pour l'impressionner. Elles sourient et continuent à marcher.

Dans le salon, Craig est assis sur le canapé. Il se lève, mais Joey lui demande de s'asseoir et le rejoint. Il dit qu'il a conduit sans permis et aurait pu tuer quelqu'un. Craig dit qu'il sait, mais Joey ne croit pas. Il ajoute qu'il aurait dû l'arrêter et porter plainte contre lui. Il est déçu car il lui faisait confiance. Craig avoue que c'était stupide et s'excuse. Joey le punit 3 semaines et lui prend les billets du concert. Il les déchire devant Craig, qui demande ce qu'il va dire à ses amis. Joey dit qu'il aurait dû y penser avant de prendre la voiture. Il sort de la pièce.


CRAIG: You can't walk away from this car, Sir.


CRAIG: No, full sport suspension. You pitch it around a corner, it'll stay glued.


JOEY: (walks over to costumer) hello. How are we today?

COSTUMER: Good. Your assistant was singing the praises of this car. Do you mind if I…?

JOEY: Oh, yes. Please do. I'll be back with you in a second. Craig, can I talk to you? Great job partner.

CRAIG: You think so?

JOEY: Yeah, you're a natural. Listen, I want you to do me a favor. A costumer is coming to take a test drive of this car. It needs a serious clean, ASAP. (Holds out car keys). Here are the keys. Come, on, take the keys.

CRAIG: (takes keys) You mean, drive it?

JOEY: yes, yes. Just across the lot. You'll be fine. (Walks away)

(Craig excitedly gets in and starts the car)


The Jeremiah household

Craig runs down the stairs to the kitchen.

JOEY: (on the phone) Yeah, well, Bianca booked this surprise spa and relaxation weekend thing and I need you to pick up Angie. I'll be by on Sunday to pick her up. Thanks Ma. Bye. (Hangs up phone.) (To Craig) What's up?

CRAIG: Nothing. Just, uh, you're going away. So, uh, where do i go?

JOEY: I figured you'd stay here.

CRAIG: Alone?

JOEY: You're 14. You know how to cook and how to clean. You'll be fine.

CRAIG: Wait, so, I really get the run of the house for the whole weekend?

JOEY: yeah. Hey, if you want you can invite some of your buddies over, that's cool. But 3 ground rules: no drinking, no chicks, no parties, I mean it.

CRAIG: Got it. You can trust me.

JOEY: I know I can, partner


Degrassi - hallway

(Marco, Jimmy and Spinner are talking.)

JIMMY: My dad's been working on Kid Albert tickets all week. He's pulled every string he has and they're totally sold out.

SPINNER: Well, how about you Marco? You're mom works in the music biz.

MARCO: She teaches piano, Spinner.

CRAIG: (walking up to the guys) Who died?

MARCO: oh, Kid Albert's sold out. It's so unfair.

CRAIG: So? Joey's gone for the whole weekend and I got the pad all to myself and you guys are all invited.


MARCO: So, who else is on the guest list?

CRAIG: Uh, you three plus Sean.

JIMMY: Oh, you invited him? I'll take a pass.

CRAIG: Well, I can't un-invite him now.

JIMMY: No, it's cool. Well, just do this some other time, right.

SPINNER: Dude. (Jimmy walks away) Fine, your loss cuz we are gonna party.

CRAIG: No parties, Spin.


CRAIG: No girls.


CRAIG: No booze.

SPINNER: Donuts?

CRAIG: That we could do.

SPINNER: I'm there.

CRAIG: Sweet. This weekend is gonna be awesome.


Ashley and Ellie's lockers

ASHLEY: Did you know there's no word in the English language that rhymes with "orange?"

ELLIE: Did you know it's Friday? The weekend?

ASHLEY: Sure do. I thought we'd go see that new movie "Strange Evil." (Ellie gives Ashley a look) The reviewer said it looked edgy.

ELLIE: Lame. Besides, I'm getting my cartilage pierced. (Shirt goes up a bit and Ashley notices her belly button is pierced.)

ASHLEY: Hey, Ellie. Do you think I should get me belly button pierced? I've wanted to for a while.

ELLIE: Come with me after school.

ASHLEY: After school? He'd be able to squeeze me in on such short notice?

ELLIE: Let's fine out.


Ms. Kwan's classroom

MS. KWAN: As you should all know by now, a simile is a comparison using "like" or "as." While a metaphor is a figure of speech, in which things are compared by stating the one thing is another. (Craig is bored and is looking at the clock) Both similes and metaphors are used in poetry, and we'll be look at that today. (Reading) The day is done and the darkness falls on the wings of night. (Craig still looks at the clock, which appears to be moving very slowly. The bell rings and we the guys running outside school and walking to Craig's house.)

SPINNER: Weekend, here I come.

SEAN: Woo!

SPINNER: Ok, next time the Kid's in town, we gotta get tickets months early.

MARCO: Hey, Nr. Jeremiah.

JOEY: What's this? I go away for the weekend and you invite the whole school? Got ya! (Laughs) You should have seen the looks on your faces. Come here. (Opens trunk of car) Weekend supplies, gentlemen.

CRAIG: Oh, yeah.

JOEY: We got the four major food groups We got chips, chips, chips, and kraft dinner. (Closes trunk of car and woman we assume is Bianca comes out of the house. The two of the get in the car.) Have a good weekend boys.


SEAN: You know his weekend's gonna be great.

SPINNER: He's one lucky guy.

(Joey drives away)

GUYS: Yeah!


Outside a piercing parlor

(Ellie opens the door to go inside, but Ashley hesitates.)

ELLIE: I know it looks a little nasty. I keep telling Attila that we should…

ASHLEY: Attila?

ELLIE: It's a family name. Come on.

(Attila starts to pierce Ellie's ear as Ashley looks around)

ASHLEY: So, uh, Attila. Is that the same kind of needle you'll be using to pierce my belly button?

ATTILA: Oh, no. I'll be using a much larger one. Like this. (Hands Ashley a big needle in a package. Ashley looks it over, seeming nervous)

ASHLEY: Oh, wow.

ATTILA: (to Ellie) All done cuz. (Ellie gets up to look at her ear) So what's the word Ashley? Still interested? Because I've got an opening tomorrow at 10.

ASHLEY: (looks to Ellie who nods) Ok, sign me up.

ATTILA: Great Now just get your mother to sign this permission slip first. (Hands her the slip)

ASHLEY: (reading off paper) Parlor assumes no responsibility in case of infection?

ATTILA: It is an invasive procedure. But don't worry. Everything sterilized.

ASHLEY: My mom will not sign this.

ELLIE: How do you know?

ASHLEY: Just because she's my mom. She won't. Sorry.


Craig's living room

(The guys are looking bored. Sean and Marco are playing cards)

SEAN: Fish.

MARCO: You really don't have a queen?

SEAN: Fish.

SPINNER: Hark, a soldier approaches. (Burps) Encore Maestro. (Burps)

CRAIG: Guys, this is so boring.

SPINNER: Yeah, let's call Jimmy.

SEAN: What, do you miss your girlfriend?

SPINNER: Shut up.

SEAN: No, you shut up.

SPINNER: No, you shut up.

SEAN: shut up.

SPINNER: Shut up.

CRAIG: Both of you, shut up. We have a house to ourselves and we're wasting it.

SPINNER: I got it. You guys wanna live life on the edge? Come with me. (Everybody gets out and follows Spinner out of the house)


Outside a store

(Spinner comes out with a bag)

SPINNER: Ok, guys. Alright, alright. (Takes something out of bag)

CRAIG: Spray cheese?

SPINNER: We did it at camp. It's a race.

MARCO: Do you get crackers?

SPINNER: No, loser. You do it like this. (Starts spraying cheese into his mouth.)

SEAN: Oh, come on, man. (Sean, Marco and Craig start to walk away)

SPINNER: What? Guys, what?


Ashley's kitchen

ASHLEY: I was thinking about getting my belly button pierced. (Hands mom the permission slip.) (To Ellie) See, told ya.

ASHLEY'S MOM: Told Ellie what? I just reacted.

ASHLEY: You made a total face.

ASHLEY'S MOM: Do you want my permission or not Ashley? (Ashley nods her head) Now, you just have to clean it scrupulously For weeks.

ELLIE: But it's worth it. (Lifts up shirt to show her ring)

ASHLEY'S MOM: If only I were ten years younger. (Signs slip and gives it to Ashley.)


Craig's living room

(Spinner is still spraying cheese into his mouth)

EVERYONE BUT SPINNER: (unenthusiastically) Spinner, spinner…

(Can runs out of cheese)

SPINNER: Yeah, king of the world. Who's next? I dare you guys. (They all talk at once making excuses) Oh, come on. You guys suck.

MARCO: Wait, I have a dare. (Gets telephone and starts dialing)

SPINNER: uh, oh. Bathroom break. (Runs off)

(Marco hands phone to Sean.)

SEAN: What, this is your dare? A prank phone call?

MARCO: What, scared of talking to a stranger?

SEAN: (Into phone) Hello, this is the power company.

EMMA: (on the other line) So this is what you do for fun, Sean. Prank your ex-girlfriend.

SEAN: (hangs up phone) You're dead phone boy. You're dead. (Chases Marco around the kitchen)


Craig's front porch

(A radio is on)

CRAIG: Yeah, this is the life. You know what? I like you guys.

SEAN: What, are you gonna kiss us now?

MARCO: Shut up Sean.

CRAIG: No, I mean, with my dad, he's never let me have you all over like this.

SEAN: Yeah, well, I bet it's a lot different over here, I suppose, eh?

CRAIG: Totally. With Joey, it's like I can do no wrong. I get total 100 percent freedom. I mean, he even let me drive.

SPINNER: Um, you, you drove?

CRAIG: No big thing. Just some clunker at the car lot. Man, it was a huge thing. It was the coolest thing I've ever done.

SEAN: Sweet. Windows down, tunes pumpin'. I'd give anything for that.

CRAIG: Well, it was just across the lot.

SPINNER: And I bet you know where Joey hides the keys to his dealership.

SEAN: yeah, let's take it out for a test drive. You know, just around the block.

MARCO: On the road? No, we'd so get caught.

CRAIG: Well, what about tomorrow?


Craig’s kitchen the next morning

(Craig grabs the keys and the other guys get up.)

SPINNER: Hey, still going on that ride today?

CRAIG: Sure, but, uh, maybe later.


SEAN: Man, you're not chickening out on us, are you?

(Craig twirls to keys in is hand and smiles)


Jeremiah Motors

(The Guys go into Joey's office)

CRAIG: Right, here. Keys to the kingdom.

(the phone rings and Marco screams, prompting everyone else to scream too)

SPINNER: Shh, man, you gave me a heart attack.

CRAIG: (walks over to phone) What do I do?

SPINNER: Answer it.

SEAN: No, you idiot. We're not supposed to be here. Let's go.

(They leave and go to the car Craig drove in the beginning of the episode)

SPINNER: Why are we taking this anything?

CRAIG: Cuz I've driven it before, I know how to drive it.

MARCO: Guys, maybe this isn't the greatest idea.

SEAN: Come on. We'll just take it around the block a couple times.

CRAIG: (everyone gets in the car) Gentlemen, let's roll. (Starts to drive and the car stalls)

SPINNER: Uh, short ride, dude.

(Craig restarts the car and drives off the lot)


Outside Ashley’s house

ASHLEY'S MOM: Hey girls. Off to your piercing?

ELLIE: Yeah, wanna come? You could get one too.

ASHLEY'S MOM: Oh, no thanks. None for me please. I'm not as brave as you two. (She’s trimming a bush and Ashley eyes the shears nervously)


Guys driving the car slowly

SPINNER: (sarcastically) Whoa, slow down there. It's getting scary.

CRAIG: Keep talking Spinner. Your idea of fun is spray cheese. (Laughs)

RADIO: So, how do you get to the sold out Kid Albert show tonight?

SPINNER: Guys, guys. Shh.

RADIO: Just come down to Melview park and find me in the mix mobile. Answer a skill testing question, and you and three friends are going to kid Albert tonight.

MARCO: Pull over. Melview's only 10 minutes away if we run fast.

SPINNER: who's running? We're driving?

SEAN: In 10 minutes that park will be full of people.

MARCO: I thought we were only gonna take the car around the black and that's it.

SPINNER: That was before the contest. I say we take the car.

SEAN: I'm down with that

MARCO: Guys, no.

SPINNER: Ok, two for, one against. Deciding vote goes to Craig. What do you say?

(Craig smiles and steps on the gas)


Ashley and Ellie inside the parlor

(Ashley is laying down, shirt up, exposing her navel.)

ATTILA: (point to navel) I'm going to pierce here and feed it through till it comes out there. Here's the clamp I'll use to hold the skin while I do the piercing, ok? This is an antiseptic gel. It's gonna feel a little cool. (Puts gel on her belly button. Ashley and Ellie hold hands in anticipation of the piercing) Now I'm marking the point of entry. (Makes mark of her with a marker, then clamps her skin) Ashley, you're gonna feel a bit of pressure now. (Gets needle and is prepared to pierce, but Ashley pushes his hand away and sits up)

ASHLEY: I'm sorry, I can't. I don't care how cool it'll look. That thing is not piercing my body.


The park

(Radio personality is talking to a contestant in the contest)

RADIO PERSONALITY: Now here's the skill testing question. Name Kid Albert's wife. (The guys pull up and get out of the car) You have no clue, do you? (Contestant shakes his head as Guys run up to them) That's ok. (Shakes contestant's hand and he walks away.)

CRAIG: We're here for the contest.

RADIO PERSONALITY: Ok, catch your breath champ. Tell us your name first.

CRAIG: My name's Craig.

RADIO PERSONALITY: Ok, Craig. Now, tell me the name of Kid Albert's wife.

CRAIG: That's a trick question. Cuz Kid Albert's divorced.

RADIO PERSONALITY: You know what? You can give my best to the Kid tonight cuz you just won four tickets to his show. (Guys yell and grab the tickets) Have fun. (Guys run back to the car and drive off)

MARCO: Man, I can't believe we're going tonight.

SEAN: We have tickets to the Kid.

MARCO: Yeah!


CRAIG: Spinner! Not in the car, man.

SPINNER: Sorry, excitement makes me fart.

MARCO: Oh, you're sick. That's disgusting.

SPINNER: It's the spray cheese. I shouldn't have had that third can.

(Car stops at a red light. A police car pulls up next to them. A cop is talking on his radio)

SEAN: Just keep it cool, alright?

COP: (on radio) Roger. (Car lights turn on. Guys are worried. Car drives away.)

MARCO: So, lucky. So luck, so let's go back, ok?

CRAIG: OK. (Drives back to lot and guys get out of car)

MARCO: Guys that was amazing!

SPINNER: That was the best day ever.

SEAN: Go for a joyride, win Kid Albert tickets.

MARCO: Pull up right next to the cops. That part was so cool.

SPINNER: Now you say it's cool. Before you were crying like a little baby.

MARCO: I was crying cuz of your cheese farts. It was so gross.

JOEY: (come out of his office) What were you thinking?! Do the words "silent alarm" mean anything to you?! You, you, and you. Gone. Now! (Sean, Spinner and Marco leave)


Ashley and Ellie walking on the street

ELLIE: Are you gonna talk… ever?

ASHLEY: I don't know what to say.

ELLIE: Why? What's the big deal?

ASHLEY: I acted like an idiot and I totally embarrassed myself.

ELLIE: Yeah, you did… kidding. So what happened?

ASHLEY: I'm just scared on needles. I can't explain it.

ELLIE: So why would you try a piercing?

ASHLEY: I dunno, I just… thought it would look cool. And I thought I’d gain some points with you.

ELLIE: Points?

ASHLEY: You know what I mean.

ELLIE: I don't. Ash, you're my friend. You don't need a piercing to impress me. (They smile and continue walking)


Craig sitting on the couch in his living room

(He stands up)

JOEY: Sit.

CRAIG: You're not my dad.

JOEY: Sit. (Craig sits again and Joey sits across from him) What you did was serious. Yor drove a car without a license. You could've killed somebody.

CRAIG: I know.

JOEY: I don't think you do. If you were some punk of the street I would have had you arrested and pressed charges. (Craig nods his head) I trusted you.

CRAIG: It was stupid. It was so stupid. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

JOEY: You're ground. Three weeks.

CRAIG: Three weeks?

JOEY: And one more thing. (Takes the tickets out of Craig's shirt pocket and rips them)

CRAIG: Wait, you can't. What am I supposed to tell my friends?

JOEY: You should have thought of that before you took the car. (Walks away)



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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !