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#609 : Le retour de Craig (Partie 1)

raig revient en ville dans le cadre d'un festival de musique. Manny et lui continuent à entretenir une relation. Ellie est aussi là et essaie de détruire la relation entre Manny et Craig. Manny s'aperçoit que Craig se drogue pour devenir rock-star. Elle décide alors de rompre.

Titre VO
What it feels like to be a ghost (Part 1)

Titre VF
Le retour de Craig (Partie 1)

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Promo Ajoutée le 08.03.2008 par brucas59

Promo Ajoutée le 08.03.2008 par brucas59


Plus de détails

Scénario : Duana Taha
Réalisation : Eleanore Lindo

Guest stars : Terence Bryant, Devon Bostick (Nic)

> Captures


Craig est de retour en ville pour quelques jours et veut en profiter pour passer du temps avec ses amis ainsi qu'avec Manny sa petite amie.


Il retrouve toute la bande avec qui il traînait et en profite pour leur jouer quelques chansons. Ceci n'est pas du goût de Manny qui aimerait passer du temps avec Craig.


Avant d'aller en cours, Manny travaille un texte pour une audition. Quand Craig la rejoint, il l'aide à l'apprendre.


Dans les couloirs, Mia est forcée de demander de l'aide à JT pour que celui-ci garde sa fille le temps que Mia présente un travail pour la classe. Ne sachant pas quoi faire plus le remercier, JT lui propose un rendez-vous le soir au Dot.


De retour de son audition, Manny est très contente car elle pense avoir réussi. Craig est persuadée qu'elle sera prise et qu'elle deviendra une grande actrice.

En fin de journée, Mia vient donc au Dot et attend JT sous les yeux de Liberty et Toby. Ne pouvant pas supporter cette relation, Liberty se permet d'aller parler à Mia au sujet de JT. Elle lui annonce qu'elle a été enceinte et que JT était le père. Mia étant surprise, Liberty comprend alors que JT ne lui avait rien dit. Pour être encore plus méchante, Liberty lui dit aussi que JT a vendu de la drogue pour gagner un peu d'argent lorsqu'ils comptaient s'installer ensemble. Cette révélation rend Mia furieuse et elle quitte le Dot avant même que JT ne soit venu.


Plus tard, JT se rend chez Mia pour savoir ce qui ne va pas. Celle-ci lui dit qu'elle est au courant pour son passé. JT essaye de se défendre en disant qu'il était obligé de trouver une solution aux problèmes mais Mia ne veut rien savoir.

Le soir, Craig a donné rendez-vous à ses amis pour un petit concert. Manny est très contente mais elle s'aperçoit qu'Ellie est également là, et qu'en fait, elle est toujours là quand il est question de Craig. Elle décide donc d'aller dans les coulisses pour souhaiter bonne chance à Craig.
Là, elle découvre que celui-ci était en train d'inhaler de la drogue. Comme le concert va commencer, Craig file en vitesse en faisant semblant que ce n'est pas grave.


Dans la salle, Emma remarque que Manny n'est plus aussi contente qu'avant que le concert commence. Celle-ci décide de ne rien lui dire et elle va s'avancer plus près vers la scène.

A la fin du concert, Ellie vient le féliciter et Craig se rend compte qu'Ellie arrive toujours à décrypter ses chansons. Elle lui propose alors d'écrire un article sur lui. Lorsque Manny arrive à son tour, Craig lui dit que ce qu'elle a vu en coulisse n'est rien et qu'il n'est pas un accro.


Le lendemain, JT s'explique avec Mia mais elle ne veut pas l'écouter. Elle ne comprend pas pourquoi JT ne lui a pas parlé de son passé. En repensant à son problème, JT dit à Mia qu'il faudrait proposer une garderie à Degrassi pour venir en aide aux jeunes mères.


Dans les couloirs, Manny fait toujours la tête à propos de Craig et elle explique à Emma qu'il a changé mais elle ne lui dit pas pour la drogue. Emma lui dit alors que Craig a simplement confiance en lui et que si elle souhaite le garder, il faut qu'elle accepte ses défauts.


Plus tard, Manny rejoint Craig. Elle souhaite savoir pour quelle raison il se drogue. Il lui explique alors qu'il en prend seulement quand il est trop stressé avant de monter sur scène. Il ajoute ensuite qu'il n'est pas dépendant et qu'il en prend que rarement.

Ensuite, Craig dit à Manny qu'Ellie organise un repas entre amis le soir et il veut qu'elle soit présente. Manny lui explique qu'elle n'aime pas Ellie car à chaque fois qu'elle parle, Ellie fait tout pour qu'elle se sente idiote.


Pendant ce temps, le conseil des élèves s'est réuni. Liberty qui est la présidente écoute les suggestions. Lorsque JT propose son idée de garderie, Liberty ne prend pas la peine de l'écouter car elle sait très bien que son idée n'est faite que pour lui et Mia.


Le soir pendant le repas, les étudiants discutent de philosophie et Manny se sent moins intelligente qu'eux car elle n'a pas lu les oeuvres dont ils parlent. Elle essaie tout de même de s'accrocher face aux réponses d'Ellie mais celle-ci finit par avoir le dernier mot après lui avoir dit qu'elle, au moins, elle avait pu finir le lycée sans avoir une vidéo de ses seins sur internet. Cette réflexion énerve Manny qui quitte la table.


Craig la rejoint et lui dit qu'elle l'a cherchée. Manny lui demande donc de lui fournir de la drogue pour faire face à Ellie...

En revenant à table, Manny et Craig sont complètement bêtes à rigoler sur tout et n'importe quoi. Manny paraît encore plus bête mais cette fois elle ne s'en rend pas compte car elle est sous l'effet de la drogue.


Le lendemain, JT discute avec Liberty. Il voudrait savoir pourquoi celle-ci agit comme ça depuis qu'il est avec une autre fille. En réalité, Liberty n'arrive pas à tourner la page et elle ne supporte pas de voir JT heureux.

De son côté, Manny file en vitesse de la maison des étudiants car elle est en retard. Ellie vient donc apporter un café à Craig pour le réveiller. Alors qu'elle s'apprête à partir, elle découvre la drogue sur un plateau. Choquée, elle demande à Craig si c'est à lui et s'il en prend. Ne sachant pas quoi répondre, il préfère dire que c'est à Manny...

By Julie

At the airport

Craig: Waiting for someone?

Manny: Nobody in particular.

Craig: Oh.

Manny: Just this guy. Tall, curly hair, pretty cute.

Craig: Mm hmm. Yeah. He’s like your boyfriend?

Manny: Boyfriend? I don’t know. I haven’t seen him for months and he hardly ever calls.

Craig: Wow. Guy sounds like a real jackass. Sure you want to keep seeing him?

Manny: Like I said, he’s pretty cute.

(They kiss.)

Manny: I missed you, you jerk.

Craig: I know. I missed you too. It’s so good to see you again. I just wish I could stay longer.

Manny: Well I’m sure we can pack a lot into the next few days together.

Craig: Sure. Totally. Let’s go by uh Marco and Ellie’s. They’ve got this welcome home party or something.

At the party, Craig finishes playing a song

Marco: That was awesome.

Spinner: Did you write that?

Craig: That one I wrote on a ferry to Vancouver Island. It’s a long story.

Ellie: I love the illusions to Melville.

(Manny is shown glaring at them.)

Craig: Wow you picked up on that?

Ellie: The night’s young. Let’s hear another.

Marco: Yeah man for sure.

(Manny points to her watch, but Craig starts singing and Ellie bops her head.)

Craig: (singing) I know you say you been a-passing by, but I just saw you drowning on a ship tonight-

Outside the school

Craig: We were supposed to run lines last night. I forgot.

Manny: Well you were pretty busy. Everyone needs some Craig.

Craig: Well I don’t care about everybody. I care about you. So can I help?

Manny: I don’t know.

Craig: Too late.

(He grabs the script and they start rehearsing.)

Craig: (reading) I just don’t want you to get hurt.

Manny: (acting) I already got hurt, remember? He left and he hasn’t come back.

Craig: Okay what if you tried angrier?

Manny: Well that was my instinct, but I thought I couldn’t pull it off.

Craig: Of course you can. Just try it.

Manny: (acting) He left and he hasn’t come back!

Craig: Don’t ever doubt your instincts Manny. You’re good.

Manny: I got to go.

Craig: I’ll come with you.

Manny: I’m sure you have more important music stuff you need to do.

Craig: Well I got a sound check for a show tonight, but this is more important. Come on let’s grab a cab.

Manny: Across town? It’ll cost a fortune.

Craig: It’s on me. Don’t worry about it.

In the hallway

Mia: JT! Isabella’s sick. They sent her home from daycare. I spent all night writing this “Waiting for Godot” presentation and now the period’s half over.

JT: It’s too bad the daycare’s so far, but I mean Kwan will give you an extension.

Mia: Yeah she might if she hadn’t have already given me two already.

JT: Listen um, leave Isabella with me. I have a spare this morning.

Mia: JT are you sure? I wouldn’t usually do this, but it’s not like there’s any daycares near here I could bring her to. Man I wish there was one here, but might as well keep dreaming.

JT: Seriously Mia. Go bend it like Beckett. We’ll be great.

Mia: You’re not like any boy I know.

JT: Well then you can make up to me. Hot date tonight at the Dot?

(She nods yes.)

JT: Good. Hey there. You know the best part about being sick? Popsicles!

(Isabella smiles and Mia kisses her on the cheek while Liberty watches them.)

Mia: Bye.

JT: Alright! You like popsicles?

At Marco and Ellie’s

Craig: Guys you are looking at a future acting legend. Manny just nailed her audition.

Manny: Thanks to my acting guru Craig.

Craig: Hey if you land that part, that’s a big deal. West Drive is huge.

Ellie: If you like earnest teen melodramas filled with woefully bad writing.

Marco: Well hey no Saved By The Bell, huh? And speaking of which El, I think it’s time we went to get our Screech on.

Ellie: Yeah.

(Marco and Ellie leave.)

Craig: I wish I could have seen that audition. I bet you killed it.

Manny: I just wish I could do it again so I can get more of this buzz.

Craig: Man I live for that buzz. Sometimes when I’m on stage, I think it’s my job to make them remember just one chord, one moment.

Manny: That’s exactly how I feel.

Craig: That’s why you’re my girl.

(They kiss.)

At the Dot

(Mia sits down and Liberty walks over to her.)

Liberty: Mia you look pretty.

Mia: Oh thanks. Do you want to sit down? JT hasn’t come yet.

Liberty: So where’s Isabella?

Mia: Uh she’s at home with my mom.

Liberty: She sure is cute. Charms everyone.

Mia: Well except for when she’s being a nightmare. Anyway how are you? You seem a little bit tense.

Liberty: Oh uh just in a quiet mood, you know?

Mia: Sure. It’s not usually quiet enough in my head.

Liberty: Yeah it’s far too quiet in my life, although a child would change that.

Mia: Like when you’re a parent someday?

Liberty: Oh uh no. I already am. Gave him up for adoption last year.

Mia: Oh I…wow. I didn’t know.

Liberty: Yeah I don’t usually talk about it much. After JT sold drugs to support us and almost committed suicide, I really had no choice, but to give him up.

Mia: What?!

Liberty: Oh he didn’t tell you? Typical.

(She goes back over to Toby and Mia leaves angry.)

Toby: Ouch.

Outside Mia’s house

(Mia walks out onto the balcony.)

JT: Are you okay? How’s Bella? I was so worried and then your cell wasn’t on.

Mia: Solution? Don’t call.

JT: Mia at least tell me what’s wrong!

Mia: You couldn’t tell me the truth about your life? About your baby?!

JT: Liberty talked to you?

Mia: And you didn’t. You stole drugs?

JT: Look uh you don’t know the whole story.

Mia: I trusted you with my daughter.

JT: And you still should. Okay Liberty and her parents gave up the baby and it still drives me crazy!

Mia: Is the drug stuff true?

JT: Prescription, but Liberty didn’t want to stay at home so we had to get some extra cash.

Mia: Liberty’s not the problem here, JT. You are.

(She goes inside angry.)

At Craig’s show

Manny: He must be so excited. I bet he’s going to be so great tonight.

Emma: He’s music personified, ya di da. I know.

Manny: But Em we so completely get each other. It’s so good.

Sean: A couple days ago you were pretty down on the guy. What changed?

Manny: We just reconnected. I can‘t explain it Sean. It’s magic.

(Manny sees that Ellie’s there.)

Manny: Oh great. She’s here. Craig’s shadow.

Emma: You worry too much about her.

Manny: Well not tonight. Tonight no one can bring me down. Not even smelly mcsnooty pants.

Backstage, Manny opens the door

Manny: Special delivery. I have that Manuela Santos for you.

(She sees Craig snorting cocaine.)

Craig: Hey! I’m so happy to see you.

Some guy: Alright man you’re up.

Craig: Aren’t you going to say anything?

Manny: Break a leg…I guess.

(He leaves and Manny stares at the drugs on the table.)

On stage, Craig is performing

Craig: (Singing) I fly too close to the sun. I chase the whale on the run, but I am…I’m jumping from mountains and I’m jumping from skies. Trying to realize my size.

Emma: Are you okay? You were a bouncing love bunny ten minutes ago. What’s going on?

Manny: I can’t see. I’m gonna move up.

Craig: (Singing) What you say when we…what you feel when you see. Drowning in the sea. Drowning close to me.

(He finishes and everyone claps for him.)

Craig: Thank you.

Marco: Hey Craig. Hey! That was awesome man. Congratulations.

Craig: Yeah? Thanks man.

Ellie: You’re a genius.

Craig: Stop it.

Ellie: Is that why you were asking about drowning allegories last month?

(He hugs Ellie.)

Craig: You caught it! Again. Man I can’t get anything past you Ellie. You’re so, you’re so keyed into what I’m doing.

Ellie: Well it was perfect, especially that melancholy key. Listen I’m gonna do a profile on you for the Core.

(Manny starts to leave, but Craig goes after her.)

Craig: Hang on El. Manny are you okay? We didn’t get a chance to talk and it was so great that you came backstage and not for a second did I want you to think that I do that.

Manny: It’s fine. I just have spirit squad at the crack of dawn.

Craig: I couldn’t stand it if you were upset. I could see your eyes shining the whole time I played.

Manny: You were incredible. Go get congratulated.

Craig: Okay.

(He leaves and Emma and Sean walk over to Manny.)

Outside the school

JT: Hey we need to talk.

Mia: You should have thought about that weeks ago.

JT: Mia I’m sorry. I should have told you the whole truth, but I just was scared you’d bail on me.

Mia: You know I’m not judgemental.

JT: I know. That’s one of the things that I love about you. You just, you need to forgive me. Please?

Mia: Look I can’t do this right now. I’m tired and I’m stressed. Isabella’s sick again. I had to leave her with my aunt.

JT: I’ve been thinking. I think that there should be a daycare at Degrassi.

Mia: And I should be Lindsay Lohan.

JT: No I’m serious. You said yourself it was a good idea. I really think that’s what the school needs.

Mia: And this isn’t about you trying to suck up to me?

JT: No. It’s about me doing the right thing and I’m gonna do it.

In the hallway

Emma: The pout is officially out of fashion, so speak. What’s up?

Manny: West Drive went in another direction, which probably means they cast some tall blonde with long legs.

Emma: West Drive, Smest Drive. That show is so issue of the week.

Manny: I have my own issue of the week. Craig, he’s not the same.

Emma: Seems like the same old rock star to me, just more sure of himself.

Manny: Yeah that’s the problem.

Emma: Ego? Groupies? Is this an Ellie thing?

Manny: No it’s definitely Craig.

Emma: Well I’ll tell you what I’ve learned. If you want the guy, you take the flaws. See Cameron, Sean.

Manny: This is a different problem than you had with Sean. Way.

Emma: Well Craig is crazy about you and your shining eyes, remember?

Manny: Maybe I need to remind him.

Emma: True love is worth fighting for.

At Marco and Ellie’s

Craig: Hey.

Manny: I need to say some stuff.

Craig: Say away.

Manny: Last night with the-

(She makes a motion around her nose.)

Craig: You said it didn’t bother you.

Manny: I lied. Craig it does. Why? Why do you do it?

Craig: When I get nervous, it’s like my synapses have a party. I need a little confidence boost sometimes.

Manny: How often is sometimes?

Craig: Please I’ve done it like twice. It’s no big deal, believe me.

(He kisses her.)

Manny: I didn’t get the part on West Drive.

Craig: Oh man. Their loss. You’re a star. Listen uh Ellie’s having a dinner party tonight and I want you to come.

Manny: If Ellie sees me here, she’ll probably poison the food.

Craig: Manny you’ve got to get over her.

Manny: She makes me feel dumb when I speak. I’m not smart like she is.

Craig: Yeah you are. You’re just not book smart. Who cares? Seriously you’re, you’re brilliant in every other way.

Manny: So comforted right now.

Craig: Manny I’m crazy about you. That should be all the comfort you need.

At a student council meeting

Liberty: Fine. A donation will be made in Degrassi’s name and uh council will now hear new business.

JT: I propose that Degrassi should have an onsite daycare. Benefits will be plentiful for both staff and students with children, as well-

Liberty: That’s preposterous. Next.

JT: Wait a minute. I haven’t even finished my pitch.

Liberty: You don’t have to. I already know it’s foolish and ill-conceived. What about buildings codes JT? What about child height counters, facilities, a playground?!

JT: Come on. Toby? Help me out.

Toby: Um maybe you should let him finish his pitch.

(Liberty glares at him.)

Toby: Or not.

Liberty: Next! Moving on.

JT: Wait just hear me out. Our community can benefit from this.

Liberty: You mean your girlfriend can.

JT: Yeah and?

Liberty: And so this isn’t practical for Degrassi. Especially since the daycare wouldn’t even open for two years. Look this is personal, not serious. Next!

JT: Is this Earth? You’re the one making it personal. It’s a good idea.

Liberty: We don’t take pitches from irresponsible slackers with ill-researched schemes.

JT: I guess not since judgemental robots make the decisions. A Degrassi daycare could make life easier for students.

Liberty: For one student!

Mia: Liberty you of all people know I’m not alone. It could help eventually.

JT: So just to clarify here, the reason you won’t support a Degrassi daycare is purely selfish. Is that right Ms. President?

(Liberty storms away angry.)

At Ellie, Marco and Dylan’s

Jesse: Well Rousseau did say man’s choices are limited. Man is born free, but everywhere he’s in chains.

Ellie: Only true if he’s part of society.

Craig: Yeah well you can’t not be though. It’s not exactly optional.

Manny: So true. So true.

Ellie: Manny you studied Rousseau?

Manny: Um not exactly.

Craig: He was, uh he was a big 18th century thinker. Ellie sent me one of his books when I was on the road.

Manny: How nice.

Marco: Well uh Ellie and I have been taking intro to psych and uh Jung says that we all have like massive complexes.

Jesse: No kidding. Neuroses rule!

Craig: Manny what do you think?

Manny: Um someone told me that Woody Allen was a perfect onscreen neurotic.

Dylan: Uh huh.

Ellie: Well I don’t have any neuroses, of course.

Manny: Really? Because I thought being constantly rejected by guys would mess you up Ellie.

Ellie: Yeah. Yeah I feel bad that I take time to meet guys who actually like me.

Dylan: Oh dear.

Ellie: In fact I don’t know how I made it through high school without having my breasts shown online.

(Manny leaves the table and Craig follows as Jesse tries not to laugh.)

Craig: Where are you going?

Manny: Did you hear what she said?

Craig: Yeah, but you started it. I mean why can’t you just get over her?

Manny: Because she’s smarter than me. She’s funnier than me. She’s everything that I’m not.

Craig: Keep believing it Manny. It’s real attractive.

Manny: They won’t let me into their little club.

Craig: Manny you’re spontaneous, you’re bright and you’re my girl. Why can’t you just be yourself?

Manny: Maybe I just need a little boost. Where is it?

Craig: What are you talking about?

(She searches for the coke and pulls it out of his pocket.)

Craig: Woah.

Manny: Show me.

Craig: What? No. Why?

Manny: ‘Cause then I can talk with all your smart friends. These are people you want to spend time with, right?

Craig: Come on.

Manny: This is your club. I want in.

(They go upstairs to do the coke.)

At the table, Manny and Craig are high

Manny: (Talking incredibly fast) Anyways it doesn’t really matter if I get the part because it, all that matters is how I present myself in the long term. That’s what my agent says.

Marco: Yeah. Yeah no. I mean you have to get them to remember you?

Manny: Yeah because who wants to be yet another dumb, boring actress? Right Ellie? Anyways I told her just cast me as the funny girl, you know? I said that to her!

Craig: It’s smart. You have to get noticed, right?

Manny: I love you so much Craig!

(Manny hugs Craig and spills her drink all over the floor.)

Manny: Oh my god. Get it-

(Her and Craig are laughing hysterically while Marco tries to clean the mess up.)

Marco: Manny it’s really fine.

Manny: I am so sorry. I am so sorry.

(They keep laughing as Ellie rolls her eyes.)

Outside the school

JT: Liberty what the hell was that yesterday? You dismissed everything I said. Very professional and then you bailed.

Liberty: You don’t even know what words like that mean, man-child.

JT: What was irresponsible? Supporting you? Begging you to go to the doctors? Backing you when you gave him up, even though he was my son too?

Liberty: You don’t know what you’re saying.

JT: What I’m saying is that I’m happy and that makes you burn. Why?

Liberty: You’re ridiculous.

JT: No I’m right. Okay I have a right to be happy so stop trying to make me as miserable as you are.

At Marco, Ellie and Dylan’s

(Manny rushes down the stairs.)

Ellie: Good morning.

Manny: I’m late!

Ellie: And so much less chatty than you were last night. Shocking.

(Ellie goes upstairs to give Craig a cup of coffee.)

Ellie: Coffee? It was a late night.

Craig: Yeah thanks.

(Ellie starts to leave when she sees the coke.)

Ellie: Is…what is this?

(She picks up the coke.)

Craig: El I don’t know how this happened.

Ellie: What happened? What’s going on?

Craig: I never thought it would get bad so fast.

Ellie: Craig are you doing coke?

Craig: Manny is.

Kikavu ?

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04.05.2019 vers 13h

Date inconnue

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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