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#613 : Séparations

Manny retourne vivre chez ses parents, ce qui déçoit fortement Emma. De plus, Manny sort avec un garçon du collège de l'agresseur de JT ; Emma, Sean et Mia se sentent trahis...

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Scénario : Duana Taha
Réalisation : Sudz Sutherland

Guest stars
: Jajube Madiela (Chante Black)

> Captures

Manny et son équipe de pom-pom girls répètent dans le gymnase sous les yeux d'Emma. En effet, l'équipe de Degrassi a réussi à se qualifier pour la finale mais Emma ne trouve pas cette idée très raisonnable suite à la mort de JT. Elle aimerait donc passer un peu de temps avec elle mais Manny lui avoue qu'elle a rendez-vous avec quelqu'un. Emma devine donc que le garçon est Damien, celui de l'autre école...

Lorsque la mère de Manny arrive, elle lui avoue qu'il est temps pour elle de rentrer chez elle, suite au décès de JT, ce qui surprend Emma...

En rentrant chez Emma, Manny commence donc à rassembler ses affaires et dit à son amie qu'elle est d'accord pour rentrer chez elle malgré les tensions qu'il y a entre elle et son père. Emma se sent triste car elle considérait Manny comme sa propre soeur.

De son côté, Marco rejoint Dylan chez lui mais il est déçu de voir qu'il peut passer de moins en moins de temps avec lui ce qui n'a pas l'air d'ennuyer Dylan...

Le lendemain, Manny et Darcy viennent parler à Mia. Elles aimeraient que celle-ci revienne dans l'équipe pour le concours afin d'avoir plus de chance de gagner. Cependant, cette idée ne plait pas à Mia qui ne veut pas rejoindre une équipe où la mascotte a été tuée.

Emma vient ensuite lui parler pour lui dire qu'elle la comprend. Mia lui répond alors qu'elle ne veut pas avoir à affronter les élèves de Lakehurst. Emma est surprise d'apprendre que Degrassi va affronter cette école et Mia propose alors de boycoter le concours...

A la sortie de l'école, Manny dit à Sean et Emma qu'elle sort avec Damien ce qui ne plait pas spécialement à Sean. Lorsque celui-ci s'en va, Manny demande à Emma de la couvrir si ses parents téléphonent chez elle. Emma lui propose alors de la rejoindre dans la soirée pour passer une soirée entre filles.

De son côté, Marco a rejoint Jimmy et Spinner dans leur magasin de tee-shirt. Là, il leur confit que sa relation avec Dylan se dégrade car ils ne passent pas assez de temps ensemble. Jimmy lui dit alors qu'il faut surprendre Dylan en organisant une soirée intime.

Dans les magasins, Damien et Manny passent un bon moment. Soudain, le téléphone portable de Manny sonne. Il s'agit d'Emma qui lui rappelle qu'elles ont rendez-vous. Damien est surpris car il avait dans l'idée de passer la soirée avec Manny. Celle-ci décide donc d'appeler Emma et de lui mentir en disant que son père ne veut pas qu'elle sorte alors qu'elle est encore avec Damien.

Le soir même, Marco suit les conseils de Jimmy et prépare un dîner aux chandelles. Dylan rentre de nouveau tard et Marco aurait aimé qu'il lui téléphone. Il lui répond alors que son téléphone n'avait plus de batterie... Cependant, une minute plus tard, son téléphone se met à sonner et il répond plus loin en négligant de nouveau Marco.

Le lendemain, Emma dit à Manny qu'elle a reçu un appel de son père qui la cherchait puisqu'elle n'était pas chez elle comme elle l'avait dit à Emma... Manny lui confie alors qu'elle aime vraiment beaucoup Damien même si elle le connaît depuis peu de temps. Elle lui propose alors de venir avec elle et Damien au Dot ainsi que Sean pour faire connaissance.

De son côté, Marco révise dans la maison et découvre que Dylan a reçu un email sur son ordinateur venant d'un garçon nommé Julien lui donnant rendez-vous le lendemain dans un bar...

Au Dot, les deux couples se retrouvent mais l'atmosphère est électrique. Sean et Emma ne supportent pas de voir Manny sortir avec un garçon de Lakehurst. Mia les entend discuter et se permet de venir dans la conversation. Etant donné qu'elle est une ancienne élève de Lakehurst, elle affirme que Damien est un ami de l'agresseur de JT. Sean intervient et demande à Manny de quel côté elle est.
Manny ne supporte plus la situation et décide de quitter le café avec Damien.

Le lendemain, dans le cours de M. Simpson, Emma et Manny commencent à se disputer. Emma propose donc d'en faire profiter tout le monde et elle demande à voix haute quel est le but d'une confrontation sportive face à Lakehurst. Elle pense en effet que Degrassi n'est pas prêt à accueillir l'autre école car elle est encore meurtrie.

Pendant ce temps, Marco vient confier son problème à Spinner et Jimmy. Il leur dit qu'il a lu l'email et qu'il compte bien se rendre au bar là où Dylan a rendez-vous.

A l'école, la compétition commence sous les yeux des élèves de Degrassi... L'équipe de Manny est la première à commencer.

Marco vient donc au rendez-vous de Dylan et il est surpris d'apprendre que l'homme avec qui Dylan avait rendez-vous n'est qu'un recruteur de hockey pour une équipe suisse. Marco se sent alors idiot devant les deux garçons...

Lorsque les pom-pom girls de Lakehurst commencent leur danse, Danny et Derek se lèvent et insultent l'école adverse. Ils sont alors suivis par Emma, Sean, Mia, Liberty et Toby.

A la sortie du gymnase, Manny n'est pas du tout contente de l'attitude d'Emma. Même si les filles de Degrassi ont gagné, la situation n'améliore pas les relations entre les deux écoles. Damien se met alors à dire du mal d'Emma et Sean réplique. La situation finit en bagarre générale. La principale arrive donc et disperse les élèves.

Ensuite, Emma est forcée de s'expliquer auprès de M. Simpson, son beau-père. M. Simpson lui explique alors que seul un élève de Lakehurst a tué JT et qu'il ne faut pas blâmer l'école entière.

En rentrant chez eux, Marco et Dylan discutent de leur avenir. Dylan lui explique alors qu'il a la possibilité de partir en Suisse d'ici 3 semaines. Il ajoute également que Marco n'a jamais été fier de lui, qu'il n'a jamais pris sa carrière de hockeyer au sérieux.

En fin d'après-midi, Emma retrouve Manny devant chez elle. Elle explique à Manny que c'est à cet endroit même que JT a été tué. Elle lui avoue qu'elle a préféré s'en prendre à Manny pour ce qui est arrivé. Manny lui confie alors qu'elles ont toujours réussi à faire face au pire ensemble et qu'elles le feront cette fois-ci aussi.

In the gymnasium

(The Spirit Squad is practicing their routine.)

Manny: Way to stick it guys.

Darcy: I love you Manny. You are a miracle worker. Well so to speak.

Manny: Miracle, schmiracle. Hard work plus Degrassi spirit equals first time ever metro finals.

Chante: With only one team in our way.

Manny: Sucks to be them. Go Degrassi!

(They all cheer and start to leave as Emma walks over to Manny.)

Emma: Hey guys. Wow are all non-cheerleaders invisible?

Manny: They’re just excited. Going to finals is like scaling Everest with pom-poms. Just imagine if we actually win. It will be a Degrassi first.

Emma: If you win it’ll be without JT.

Manny: If we win we’ll make Degrassi feel better. It’s our job.

Emma: Yeah. You’re right I guess. I’m just not myself since…you know. Let’s get lattes and hang out.

Manny: I’m kind of meeting someone Em.

Emma: Let me guess, Damien your new fancy boy from the enemy school?

Mrs. Santos: Manuella?

Manny: Mom can you give me a sec?

Emma: What’s she doing here?

Manny: She’s just here to talk. Don’t be mad Em, but I think it’s time for me to go home.

(Manny walks over to her mom and they hug while Emma watches them disappointed.)

At Emma’s house, Manny is packing her stuff

Emma: Hey that’s mine!

Manny: Really? I wore it all summer.

Emma: With my strappy sandals, I know.

Manny: And I thought you wanted me to stay.

Emma: I do. I can’t believe you’re leaving, especially now! My parents are freaked, our house is the center of a murder investigation.

Manny: Maybe that’s why my parents want me back home.

Emma: Do you miss your dad’s tirades?

Manny: Mom says he’s willing to hang up the dictator cap, try anyway.

Emma: What about the curfews and the dress codes?

Manny: Em they’re my parents. Your mom and Archie are great, but they’re not my family and this isn’t my home. I love you forever for letting me stay. It’s time.

Emma: I’m gonna miss you Manny. You’re like the sister I never had.

Manny: What are you talking about cuckoo bananas? I’ll be here constantly. It’ll be like I never left. Promise.

At Marco and Dylan’s

Marco: You know just when you think you’re gonna get to bed early you look over your essay and hello! All-nighter.

Dylan: Doesn’t get any easier. Trust me.

(Marco sits on the couch with Dylan.)

Marco: Want some coffee? Last of Ellie’s personal stash.

Dylan: Actually I’ve got to jet. Meeting some guys from the team.

Marco: Aw you and your hockey buddies. How cute. Okay so we’ll order in later then.

Dylan: It’s wing night.

Marco: Dylan you’ve been out every night this week. When do I see you?

Dylan: We live together. We see each other plenty.

(Dylan leaves.)

Marco: Bye.

At Mia’s locker

Manny: Hey Mia. You’ve been MIA from the squad long enough.

Mia: Okay. What do you guys want?

Darcy: Recipe for spirit squad success? Take one Mia Jones, shake and win!

Mia: Did you guys like forget my boyfriend? Your mascot, JT Yorke, was killed two weeks ago. Thanks, but I’ll pass.

Darcy: Of course Mia. We understand.

Manny: Sorry for asking.

(They leave and Emma walks over to her.)

Emma: Hey. They were trying to help in their own bizarrely dysfunctional way.

Mia: Whatever. Like I’m gonna take part in anything Lakehurst is invited to.

Emma: Wait. Lakehurst is coming here? Why can’t they do it somewhere else?

Mia: No kidding. They said it was set up months ago and it’s like to late to cancel, but I don’t care. I think we should do something about it. I think we need to protest or whatever.

Emma: I can’t. Manny is my best friend. Besides maybe it’s a good thing if Lakehurst comes here. Maybe it’ll help mend fences.

Mia: A student from Lakehurst killed JT. I’m not about mending fences right now.

Outside the school

Manny: Damien and I are going to the mall. He’s so cute.

Sean: Wasn’t he friends with that freak that killed JT?

Manny: Drake? Uh no! He’s never even talked to Drake.

Sean: Okay whatever. Later Emma.

(He kisses her goodbye.)

Manny: So if my parents call you’ll cover for me, right?

Emma: Of course. Or you can just come over tonight when you’re done with Damien. Just you, me, the couch and Dr. McDreamy.

Manny: And a bowl of popcorn with extra ketchup powder? You’re on.

(They hug goodbye.)

Emma: Have fun.

At Jimmy and Spinner’s store

(The guys are playing video games.)

Spinner: Oh I got this. I got this and yes! Dude that was way too easy. Come on.

Marco: Sorry I’m not good at these driving games. I’m done.

Jimmy: What? You haven’t even tried to get us to play Karaoke Revolution yet man. Who are you?

Marco: What are you talking about? I’m fine. I couldn’t be better.

Jimmy: Seriously man what’s the problem?

Marco: My problem. My problem is tall, broad shouldered and emotionally absent.

Jimmy: Ah Monsieur Dylan.

Spinner: Hey does he have a MyRoom page?

Marco: I don’t know. He’s just never here and when he is here, it still feels like he isn’t, you know?

Jimmy: It happens my man. The heat cools. You just got to chase the romance a little. Know what I mean?

Spinner: (Coughs) MyRoom page.

Jimmy: Spin, shut up man. Look it’s all about the 4 C’s. Candles, cooking, cologne and chill. Nobody’s immune. Don’t worry.

At the mall

Damien: Nice. Who knew hanging out with you at the mall meant PJ shopping?

Manny: Well I can’t mooch off Emma anymore, but don’t get too excited. You won’t be seeing me in these anytime soon.

Damien: It’s cool.

(Manny gets a text from Emma.)

Manny: Yikes I got to go.

Damien: Thought we were gonna chill tonight.

Manny: I’m sorry, but I totally promised Emma.

Damien: I know, but between your spirit squad and my student council, I never get to see you. I just really want to talk to you, you know?

Manny: Wow. Most guys aren’t after me for conversation.

Damien: I’m not most guys. Come on Manny. Hang out with me tonight.

(Manny calls Emma.)

Emma: (On the phone) Where are you?

Manny: (On the phone) Hi Em. I came home after seeing Damien and my dad’s totally back in tyrant mode.

Emma: (On the phone) Ugh you poor thing.

Manny: (On the phone) I’m okay. I just, I think I need to stay home and let it cool over.

Emma: (On the phone) Okay well I miss you.

Manny: (On the phone) I miss you too. Bye.

(They hang up.)

At Marco and Dylan’s

Dylan: Sorry my seminar went long.

Marco: You could have called.

Dylan: Phone’s dead. Oh it smells great Marco. Did you make steak?

Marco: Yeah, also known as bistecca. You know supposedly it’s the fastest way to any man’s heart. So luckily I convinced Ellie to go to the movies with Kiko and Suki.

Dylan: A night alone. Thank you.

Marco: ‘Cause maybe next year we’ll have a place of our own, you know? Just, just me and you.

Dylan: Well who knows what could happen between now and then.

Marco: Meaning what?

Dylan: Meaning nothing. I was just talking.

(Dylan’s phone rings.)

Dylan: I need to take this.

Marco: I thought your phone was dead.

Dylan: I guess it recovered power or something. Funny, huh?

(He gets up to take the call.)

Dylan: (On the phone) Hello?

Marco: Yeah it’s funny.

In Ms. Kwan’s class

Emma: So how’d it go with your parents?

Manny: Fine.

Emma: That’s funny your dad didn’t seem fine when he called my house looking for you.

Manny: Em did you-?

Emma: Cover for you? Of course. I’m not sure why since you totally blew me off.

Manny: I’m sorry. I just really, really, really like Damien. Things are just so good between us.

Ms. Kwan: Class today we’re gonna start on King Lear. A tragic tale about sisters fighting for what they think they deserve.

(Ms. Kwan keeps talking.)

Emma: How good can it be? You’ve known him for two weeks.

Manny: Come find out. I’m meeting him at the Dot after school. Bring Sean too. I want us all to be friends.

Emma: I’m not sure that’s a good idea.

Manny: Please, please, please, please, please.

Emma: Clearly resistance is futile.

Manny: Thank you. You won’t regret it!

At Marco and Dylan’s

(A new message pops up on Dylan’s computer and Marco opens it. He sees a bunch of messages from someone named Julien. The message says ‘Campus Pub, Thursday 4pm?’.)

At the Dot

Manny: Emma you know Damien. Damien this is Emma’s wonderful beau, Sean.

Damien: Hey. How’s it going?

Sean: Hey.

(They shake hands.)

Sean: So, how are things at Lakehurst?

Damien: Uh fine.

Sean: Seriously? ‘Cause last time I heard one of your students was in jail.

Manny: Sean!

Damien: Look man I’m really sorry about your friend JT. I mean it’s a total tragedy.

Mia: Damien. So uh tell me how’s Drake doing?

Damien: I have no idea Mia.

Mia: But he’s your friend, isn’t he?

Damien: No. That’s not true.

Mia: Excuse me, but I went to Lakehurst. So how about you save your lies for somebody who will buy them.

Sean: So, Manny who are you loyal to, your dead friend or your new Lakehurst crush?

Damien: Let’s go Manny.

Manny: No wait. Em a little help here, please.

Emma: What do you want me to say? You’re sleeping with the enemy.

Manny: You know what Emma? I’m so glad I moved home because now I don’t have to see your mean, judgemental, stuck-up little face anymore.

(Damien and Manny leave.)

At Degrassi

Darcy: (On the video announcements) For the first time ever Degrassi has made Cheerleading City finals. Come out tomorrow and support the squad. Go Degrassi!

Mr. Simpson: I sense history in the making. Good luck tomorrow Manny.

Manny: Thanks Mr. S. It’s all about Panther pride.

Emma: Which is so much more important than academics or even actual sports. Yeah if the school printed money your face would be on it.

Manny: And I’d use it to buy you a big box of shut up.

Mr. Simpson: Uh girls class has begun.

Emma: Okay I’d like to bring up a discussion topic if I may.

Mr. Simpson: Fine. What is it Em?

Emma: In the aftermath of the death of one of our classmates, what does defeating Lakehurst prove exactly?

Manny: That we’re better than them?

Emma: Manny our entire school’s in mourning. Not only that, there’s anger. They want revenge.

Manny: What does that have to do with the spirit squad competition?

Emma: I think we should cancel it. It prevents Lakehurst from showing up here, from reminding us of our loss and rubbing our noses in it.

Manny: After all the hard work that we put into it? I think not.

Toby: You can miss cheerleading one year.

Manny: You guys are ridiculous. I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

Emma: And I can’t believe you’re turning your back on your friends.

Mr. Simpson: Okay that’s enough. This is not the time or place for this debate. Let’s talk about our next unit, video podcasting.

At Jimmy and Spinner’s store

Marco: Hey so uh you guys got a single boy discount? Found something on his laptop guys.

Spinner: He has a MyRoom page! Man I knew it! Marco I told you that thing is an online abyss man.

Marco: Spin no. It was an e-mail. An e-mail from some creep named Julien who he’s meeting tomorrow for some secret lunch or something.

Spinner: Are you serious?

Marco: Yeah. He’s cheating on me guys. I can’t believe he’s cheating on me again.

Jimmy: Look you don’t know that for a fact.

Marco: Oh by this time tomorrow I will. They better get a table for 3.

During the competition, Degrassi is about to perform

Manny: Let’s do this for JT.

(The routine starts and Sean sits down next to Emma.)

Announcer: Let’s hear it for the Degrassi panthers! The final score is 9.0 putting Degrassi clearly in the lead.

At the pub

Marco: Hey Dylan!

Dylan: Marco what, what are you doing here?

Marco: Whatever. Who is this?

Dylan: Uh Julien. This is just Julien. Julien, Marco.

Julien: Nice to meet you.

Marco: Sorry I can’t say the same Julien. Did Dylan here even bother to tell you that he’s in a committed relationship or-?

Dylan: Marco woah.

Marco: Shut up curly. Because you know he is, or at least he was before he started cheating…again!

Dylan: Marco stop! Julien is from Zurich HC. A hockey team in Switzerland. He’s been scouting me. They want me to play for them!

(Marco looks at Julien for confirmation.)

Julien: Yeah.

(Marco smiles embarrassed.)

At the cheerleading competition

Announcer: Let’s see if Lakehurst can uh come up with an answer to that routine!

(They start performing.)

Danny: Lakehurst sucks!

Derek: Nobody wants you here. Leave!

Emma: Go home Lakehurst.

(They keep performing and Emma turns to Toby.)

Emma: We can do this. Go home Lakehurst!

(Everyone starts chanting ‘Go home Lakehurst’ and the squad starts screwing up their routine.)

Announcer: (Quietly to the other judges) That was unfortunate.

In the foyer

Manny: Is this what you wanted? Finally feeling self righteous enough?

Emma: Manny you won and you know what? I feel so much better. I think I can actually feel the school spirit coursing through my veins. Yeah call the media! Manny Santos has healed the entire school.

Damien: Now I know why Manny was your only friend. She’s a saint to put up with your crap.

Sean: Take a big step back Lakehurst guy.

(A fight breaks out between everyone.)

Manny: Damien! Damien.

Ms. Hatzilakos: Okay that’s enough. That’s enough. Break it up. I said break it up. That’s enough. Break it up, I said. Break it up! Alright this competition’s over. I want everyone to leave and go home right now, except for the Degrassi students who are going to wait in the gym until everyone is gone. Move it! Now!

In the media immersion room

Mr. Simpson: You bought yourself detention for a month and I’m not sure that’s all.

Emma: So?

Mr. Simpson: So I want you to know that I’m not exactly proud of you right now.

Emma: I’m sorry.

Mr. Simpson: Emma you ruined a competition that meant a lot to a lot of people.

Emma: And I care? Lakehurst killed JT!

Mr. Simpson: Wrong. One kid killed JT. You can’t blame the entire school for that. It doesn’t make any sense.

Emma: I’m just mad, okay? JT is gone and people like Manny want to pretend like it didn’t happen, but it did happen and I’m pissed.

Mr. Simpson: We all are, okay? Including Manny, but you can’t blame Manny. She’s not the enemy. Emma she’s your best friend and maybe it’s time that you remember that.

At Marco and Dylan’s

(Dylan is packing up his hockey gear.)

Marco: As far as smells go, that’s uh, that’s just above road kill, but I’m gonna miss it.

Dylan: I’m not going anywhere, okay? Not yet. I’m just, just thinking about it.

Marco: Well as long as you’re thinking about it, you just let me know when you’ve decided.

Dylan: See that’s exactly why I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d freak out.

Marco: How could I not, Dylan? What, what is it that you want me to say right now?

Dylan: Maybe that you’re proud of me!

Marco: I am proud of you. You know that.

Dylan: No I don’t. You never told me. To you hockey’s my dumb hobby. To me it’s life.

Marco: Dylan if this is what you want to do, then you got to do it.

Dylan: I want to be with you.

Marco: This is an opportunity knocking. Forget knocking, it’s breaking the door down. You’ve got to do it, okay? So then uh how long…’til you go?

Dylan: There’s work visas and stuff to figure out. Maybe a few weeks.

Marco: Well then we better make the most of it, huh?

(They lean in together.)

Outside Emma’s house

Manny: So got your text. What do you want to show me?

Emma: This. This curb right here. This is where it happened. JT died here.

Manny: Em you don’t have to show me this.

Emma: No I think I do because this whole thing between us, it isn’t about Lakehurst or Damien. It’s about what happened right here two weeks ago.

Manny: I know.

Emma: Manny I am really, really sorry for everything.

Manny: I know you are, but Emma you turned me into the bad guy. You tried to hate me.

Emma: Well it didn’t work.

Manny: Anything we’ve ever gotten through has been together. Don’t go and change the formula, okay?

Emma: Thanks for the reminder.

(They hug.)

Kikavu ?

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04.05.2019 vers 13h

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

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chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

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