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#614 : Chute libre (Partie 1)

Paige rate un examen, elle est prise de panique et sort de la salle. Son professeur lui donne une deuxième chance. Paige cherche du réconfort auprès de ses amis. Pendant ce temps, Peter et Darcy se rapprochent...

Titre VO
Free fallin' (Part 1)

Titre VF
Chute libre (Partie 1)

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Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Scénario : Shelley Scarrow
Réalisation : Phil Earnshaw

Guest stars : Genelle Williams (Clara Carlisle/Carla), Brian Paul (M. Michalchuck), Tony Sciara (M. Del Rossi), Brona Brown (Mme Del Rossi), Susan Cuthbert (Mme Michalchuck), Caroline Park (Kim), Brooke Johnson (Professeur de Paige), Peter Schoelier (Vieil homme), Ryan Hollyman (Policier)

> Captures

Nous avons enfin des nouvelles de Paige. En effet, la jeune étudiante a intégré l'université de Banting comme elle le voulait.

Nous retrouvons donc Paige à l'université où elle est en train de passer un examen. Elle découvre la pression de l'école et pendant son devoir elle se met à paniquer et fait une crise d'angoisse. Ne pouvant pas supporter la pression qu'impose son professeur, Paige quitte la salle prise de panique.

Dans sa chambre universitaire, Paige déprime seule. Elle décide alors de téléphoner à Alex. En tombant sur son répondeur, elle le laisse un message assez déprimant...

Plus tard après un cours, Paige est retenue par son professeur. En effet, la dame aimerait savoir pourquoi son élève a quitté la salle en plein examen. Paige lui explique alors qu'elle n'arrive plus à dormir et qu'elle est innondée de travail.
Mme James lui dit ensuite qu'elle est obligée de réussir cet examen pour valider son semestre et si elle ne réussit pas, il se pourrait bien qu'elle perde sa bourse.
Paige se montre convaincante et obtient de refaire l'examen chez elle.

A Degrassi, Darcy croise Peter qui attend sa mère pour rentrer chez lui. Celui-ci aimerait se faire pardonner auprès de Darcy après ce qu'il s'est passé avec le blog. Elle lui propose alors de venir dimanche matin à 7 heures...

De son côté, Paige rentre chez elle pour le week-end. Elle retrouve son frère et ses amis pour un dîner avec ses parents et ceux de Marco.
Alex essaye donc de prendre des nouvelles de Paige et celle-ci lui répond qu'elle est débordée de devoirs.
En fin de soirée, Paige et Alex se retrouvent seules dans le salon. Alex avoue alors à Paige qu'elle a une nouvelle petite amie mais Paige ne la croit pas. Elle lui dit aussi qu'il se pourrait bien qu'elle intègre Banting l'an prochain puisqu'elle a eu de très bons résultats à Degrassi cette année.

Le lendemain, Peter rejoint Darcy et se rend vite compte que la situation n'est pas du tout celle qu'il avait imaginé. En effet, lui et Darcy sont là pour venir en aide à des sans abris en leur servant des repas.

Alors que Marco et Dylan essayent de préparer un bon repas pour leurs parents, Paige tente de faire ses devoirs. Elle n'arrive pas à se concentrer et au lieu de travailler, elle préfère donner un coup de main à ses amis.
La mère de Paige et Dylan arrive pour leur apporter quelque chose à cuire. Paige aimerait en profiter pour parler à sa mère de ses problèmes à l'école mais celle-ci semble trop occupée par ses problèmes de rénovation de sa maison. Cette situation provoque une nouvelle crise pour Paige qui court s'enfermer dans les toilettes.

Lorsqu'Alex arrive, elle aimerait l'aider. Pour celà, elle la complimente ce qui est ressenti par Paige comme une pression supplémentaire. Elle finit par lui dire des mots méchants qui blessent Alex et qui décide de partir.

Plus tard, Paige finit par se calmer et vient voir où en est le repas. Elle découvre que les garçons ne s'en sortent pas et décide de prendre les choses en main: c'est elle qui cuisinera le repas.

L'heure du repas arrive et les parents de Marco et de Dylan arrivent. A table, la mère de Paige en profite pour faire des éloges sur sa fille en disant que c'est une excellente cuisinière.
En plein repas, Alex revient à la maison en compagnie de Carla, sa nouvelle petite amie. Elles se joignent donc à table sous les yeux de Paige.

De son côté, Peter essaye de faire de son mieux avec les sans abris...

Toujours à table, la mère de Paige continue de faire beaucoup d'éloges sur sa fille ce qui la met mal à l'aise...

A la fin de la journée, Peter propose à Darcy de la raccompagner chez elle en voiture. Elle est surprise de voir qu'il a récupéré son permis bien qu'il ait eu des problèmes avec la justice.

L'interminable repas continue et la mère de Paige pense que celle-ci a quelque chose d'important à annoncer puisqu'elle souhaitait lui parler plus tôt dans la journée. Alors qu'elle se met à couper la dinde, la farce se met à lui exploser à la figure ce qui choque Paige et provoque de nouveau une crise. Elle s'enfuit alors au premier étage.
Marco la rejoint et tente de savoir ce qu'il ne va pas en ce moment dans la vie de son amie. Elle lui confie alors qu'elle n'arrive pas à avoir le niveau demandé pour Banting. Elle décide donc de rassembler ses affaires et de repartir pour l'université dès ce soir.

En voiture, Peter et Darcy sont arrêtés au feu rouge. Alors qu'ils discutent tranquillement, des policiers à vélo demandent à Peter son permis de conduire ainsi que les papiers du véhicule. L'homme dit alors que le permis de Peter est toujours suspendu et qu'il n'a pas le droit de conduire. Furieuse, Darcy sort de la voiture et n'arrive pas à croire qu'elle commencait à apprécier Peter.

Enfin, Paige est retournée à l'université. Seule dans sa chambre d'étudiante, entourée de bougies, elle décide de mettre à la poubelle ses livres de cours. Elle en profite pour ajouter dessus une bougie qui met le feu à la poubelle. Les flammes sont de plus en plus importantes et Paige commence à s'affoler...

At Banting

(Paige stares at the clock during a test.)

Professor James: And time! Next question.

(Paige flips her page over as the girl next to her coughs and blows her nose.)

Paige: Ew.

Professor James: And time. Next question.

Paige: What?

Professor James: Sh sh sh sh. And time. Next question. Time. And time.

(Everything blurs together and Paige starts panicking. She runs into the hall hyperventilating and starts to cry.)

Paige: God I’m such an idiot.

In Paige’s dorm room

(Paige is lying on her bed while people are partying in the dorm she and calls Alex on her cell.)

Paige: (On the phone) Hi Alex’s voicemail. Uh sorry I haven’t called. I wanted to, but… Okay have you ever felt like the subway is running over your lungs? Like you’re trying to breathe, but the entire train is just crushing your ribs? Okay um I’m rambling. I just, I really, really, really hope that you’re still going to Marco and Dylan’s this weekend. Bye.

During Paige’s class

Professor James: That’s it. Oh and I’ll have your exam marks next week. Uh Paige Mik-ale-chuk, a word please.

Paige: Um Professor James I was hoping we could talk, actually. Um I guess you thought I left the midterm. Well I mean I did, but not like-

Professor James: When someone walks out on an exam, I like to know why. I sleep better.

Paige: Well that’s part of it. Sleeping. I haven’t been.

Professor James: Ah partying.

Paige: No I swear…though the rest of my dorm has a lot. I just have so much work all the time.

Professor James: Welcome to college.

Paige: It’s stressful and who knew there’d be so much math in marketing?

Professor James: Paige you need to pass this course to stay in the program.

Paige: Help me to. Please I am seconds from losing my scholarship.

Professor James: I don’t want to discourage you, but not everyone is cut out for Banting.

Paige: Professor James, my mom was a Banting girl and I am a Banting girl. I just have to get better at doing Banting.

Professor James: Take-home midterm.

Paige: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I know I can do better this time.

Professor James: Along with your 20-page essay on international branding and the chapter summaries you’re late on.

Paige: Thank you Professor James. Don’t worry. I won’t let you down.

Professor James: Makes no difference to me. Just don’t let yourself down. 5PM Monday. Have a great weekend!

At Degrassi, Peter is sitting outside the cafeteria when Darcy walks by

Peter: Hey. Heard you needed to get into the caf kitchen. I’m waiting for my mom to drive me home, so I thought I might help out a friend.

(He shows her some keys.)

Darcy: Funny I don’t see one.

Peter: Ouch. Well I guess I could just go to media immersion and scroll through some of your hot pics…if you ever put them back up online.

Darcy: Dream on. I don’t have time for people who manipulate others for their own fun.

Peter: And if he sins against you seven times a day and returns to you seven times saying I repent, forgive him.

Darcy: You showed my private photos to some 40-year old pervert. You can’t make it up with a bible quote.

Peter: I repent, I repent, I repent, I repent, I repent, I repent, I repent. What do you say now?

Darcy: I say Matthew 10:42. Look it up and be here tomorrow morning at 7.

Peter: On a Saturday? Busses don’t even run that early.

Darcy: Whatever. It’s up to you.

At Marco and Dylan’s

(Alex opens the door for Paige who kisses Dylan on the cheek.)

Paige: I cannot believe mom and dad are renovating this weekend.

Alex: And hello to you too.

Dylan: Mom and dad are renovating every weekend.

Marco: Hey! I’ve missed you. Here. Homemade genetus(?), brain food.

Paige: Mm I am starving.

(She takes a bite and makes bad face.)

Paige: Are you sure that Ellie didn’t make these?

Marco: Ellie took her laundry home for the weekend. Oh and jokes, Kiko and Suki are off discovering our country’s natural wonders. Niagara falls.

Paige: So you are making the Michalchuk family dinner?

Marco: Hey I’m under enough pressure as it is with my parents coming too, okay?

Alex: You guys are having a double date with your folks?

Dylan: Date? Gosh no. Marco and I are just roommates, right darling?

Marco: Exactly darling. Come on let’s get you some non-homemade snacks.

(Alex holds up a sign that says ‘Welcome Back Turkey’.)

Alex: You like? I made it myself.

Paige: Feeling hostile, are we?

Alex: It’s not hostility. It’s affection. The message you left sounded like the fabulous Banting girl needed a little bit of a cheer up.

Paige: Yeah because the fabulous Banting girl has twelve tons of work to do.

Alex: Well now I’m here and we have some serious catching up to do.

Paige: Great.

In the living room

Marco: Okay I’m baked. Good night ladies.

Paige: Good night. I got to be up at cockle-doodle dawn to hit the books.

Alex: Right. I should go.

Paige: No wait. Have a sleepover right here. Just friends.

Alex: Yeah I know doofus. I have a girlfriend.

Paige: You are so lying.

Alex: You might have one friend at Banting next year.

Paige: Who?

(Alex smiles.)

Paige: You? Seriously?

Alex: Despite your doubts, I am kicking butt at school. Marks, not people!

Paige: Well that is fantastic hon. I am very glad that you proved me wrong.

Alex: Whatever. Let’s get our degrees and then road trip. Imagine a couple Banting babes gone wild.

(Paige lays down on Alex’s lap.)

Paige: Thanks Alex. You’re so comfy.

Alex: Good night.

At Degrassi

(Peter shows up with flowers for Darcy.)

Darcy: Hi!

Peter: Hey I brought these for you.

Darcy: Great idea. The homeless deserve beauty with their meals too, right?

Peter: Homeless what?

Darcy: Our church group’s throwing a special dinner for them. For tomorrow.

Peter: And I’m here this early because?

Darcy: Did you read Matthew 10?

Peter: Uh yeah. Something about a guy needs water, gives it to a disciple or something.

Darcy: I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward. AKA that forgiveness you want? A reward.

Peter: Right. So uh why are you here?

Darcy: We all need forgiveness for something and you can start by peeling apples. Oh and uh Peter-

(She puts a hairnet on him as he grabs a peeler.)

At Marco and Dylan’s

(Paige wakes up and looks at all of her work.)

Marco: I’m pretty sure that you screamed ‘I love turkey’ or something in the middle of your sleep last night.

Dylan: I was having a nightmare, okay? It was a nine foot turkey.

Marco: Oh good morning.

Alex: Good morning.

(They keep talking as Paige is playing solitaire on her laptop.)

Paige: Hey do you think you guys could be a little louder for me?

Marco: Um how about you chill?

Dylan: Paige…

Marco: Like don’t you use like flour to make gravy?

Dylan: Well you do, yeah.

Marco: Okay well then.

Dylan: You use flour. You use like chicken broth, which is the juice from the chicken drippings and stuff.

Marco: Yeah I know, but make sure you get salt.

Dylan: Yeah okay.

Marco: It’s like the star of it.

Dylan: Okay it’s starred. Now it’s on the list.

Paige: You guys, be ridiculous. Please take this.

(She shows them a recipe online.)

At Dylan and Marco’s, Mrs. Michalchuk is bringing dishes over

Mrs. Michalchuk: This was Gran’s so careful. Don’t put it in the micro. Here’s the walnut recipe for Dylan. Remind him just a touch of sage.

Paige: Oh mom can you come in for a sec?

Mrs. Michalchuk: I’d love to, but the contractors…

Paige: But your daughter wants to tell you something.

Mrs. Michalchuk: Can it wait? Sorry. What is it sweetheart?

Paige: Never mind. Compared to renovation hell, it’s nothing.

Mrs. Michalchuk: Unlike the contractors, you’ve never let me down.

(She kisses Paige and leaves.)

Alex: Does she breathe like the rest of us or does she produce her own air internally like a blowfish?

(Paige starts hyperventilating and Alex laughs.)

Alex: Exactly!

(Paige then runs into the bathroom. Alex follows her and stands outside the bathroom.)

Alex: Paige you alright? Don’t make me be nice. Okay you made me. Paige Michalchuk you are the prettiest, smartest, bestest-

Paige: Why are you putting more pressure on me, Alex? Why?!

Alex: Pressure? What are you talking about?

Paige: Forget it, okay? Leave me alone. Go.

Alex: Forget what? What’s wrong?

Paige: You don’t get it Alex and you never will, so just, just go back to your stupid, pathetic little straight-A high school life with your pathetic imaginary girlfriend, okay? Go away!

(Alex tears up and leaves while Paige is crying in the washroom.)

At Marco and Dylan’s

Marco: Dylan just move, okay? I’m much better at fridge tetris.

Dylan: Just leave the turkey out.

Marco: No my arm’s freezing. Just get out of here.

Paige: Salmonella is so not festive.

Dylan: Everything okay? Alex bolted like she was on fire.

Paige: Yeah that’s Alex being Alex. You can’t just leave poultry sitting out.

Marco: See I told you Dylan.

Dylan: Excuse me, but I’m the one-

Marco: No seriously. You try to help-

Paige: You know what? I’ll cook. Take some parent pressure off you.

Marco: Don’t you have an essay to cook up?

Paige: Yeah I can handle my own course load, thanks. Both of you out.

Dylan: Fine I’m done.

Marco: Fine. There.

(Marco hands her the turkey and leaves.)

At dinnertime

Dylan: Try to relax. Everything will be fine.

Marco: When I’m nervous, I fidget.

(There’s a knock at the door.)

Marco: Is it too late to cancel?

(They open the door.)

Marco: Hey mom, dad. Here come in. Hi.

Mr. Del Rossi: Hey! Place looks great Marco.

Marco: Yeah. Yeah it’s good.

Mrs. Del Rossi: For your house.

(She hands Dylan some flowers when there’s another knock at the door.)

Dylan: Oh thank you Mrs. Del Rossi. Thank you. Oh I’ll get that. Here. I’ll get that.

(He opens the door.)

Dylan: Mom hey!

Mr. Michalchuk: Hi sport-o.

Dylan: Hey dad! How you doing?

Mr. Michalchuk: Still no haircut.

Dylan: Still no hair.

(Everyone sits down for dinner.)

Paige: Butternut squash soup with frizzled leeks and crème fresh.

Mrs. Del Rossi: So gourmet.

Mrs. Michalchuk: She’s such a talent. She won the Brownie’s best brownie award when she was six.

Mrs. Del Rossi: I always wish I’d had a daughter.

Dylan: I’m glad you didn’t.

(Marco hits Dylan under the table.)

Marco: This looks delicious.

(Alex walks in with her new girlfriend.)

Alex: Are we late? We brought buns.

Paige: I made buns.

Mrs. Michalchuk: Don’t be rude. Hello Alex. Dylan?

Dylan: Oh yeah I’ve got some extra chairs in our room, my room!

Paige: What are you doing here?

Alex: Well you invited me and I wanted to make sure you were okay after your little breakdown.

Mrs. Michalchuk: Breakdown?

Paige: Alex is a pathological liar.

Carla: Alex maybe we should just…

Mr. Del Rossi: Hey no arguing over dinner. Sit. Who’s your friend?

Alex: This is Carla, my imaginary girlfriend.

(Marco’s dad spits up his water.)

Carla: Hello.

At the Degrassi cafeteria

(A homeless man is speaking in Greek and Peter can’t understand him.)

Peter: I don’t understand.

(He keeps speaking.)

Peter: Slow down.

Darcy: Is there a problem?

Peter: My Greek’s a little rough. I think he wants an extra piece of pie. Is that alright?

Darcy: You speak Greek?

Peter: Yeah I learned some from my Papi, grandpa. He used to eat a lot of dessert too.

Darcy: Tell him you peeled the apples yourself.

Peter: Yeah I’ll try. Uh oro mura… peeled them myself.

During dinner

Mrs. Michalchuk: The pomegranate dressing, just exquisite. Paige you could have got a scholarship for chef school too.

Paige: Mom.

Mr. Michalchuk: Oh and Dylan has had offers recently to play pro hockey in Switzerland.

Dylan: Once my Visa comes through.

Marco: Yeah don’t remind me.

Alex: Did you know Carla’s an honours grad student and she’s captain of the Toronto U distance running team.

Paige: I’ll clear the salad plates.

Mrs. Michalchuk: Banting wanted Paige for their Power Squad. They called it cheerleading when I was captain, but she chose to focus on academics.

Paige: Mom, please.

Mrs. Michalchuk: Once Paige gets her honours degree, the Banting MBA program.

Paige: Mom.

Mrs. Michalchuk: Sweetie, tell everyone how Banting has the most prestigious program.

Paige: Why don’t we talk about something else?

Mrs. Michalchuk: Fine. Oh don’t you have some sort of announcement?

Paige: Yes. The turkey’s ready.

Mrs. Michalchuk: She’s so modest.

(Paige goes to the kitchen and tries to compose herself.)

At Degrassi

Peter: Darcy you want a ride home?

Darcy: Sure, but I thought since the whole street racing thing you can’t…

Peter: No I can drive.

Darcy: They gave you your licence back?

Peter: Yeah. I didn’t hit the guy. I’m in the clear, but it’ll cost you.

Darcy: Will half a pie do it?

Peter: Hey I take after my Papi.

At the dinner, Paige brings out the turkey

Paige: Here it is! Complete with traditional Michalchuk family walnut stuffing.

Mr. Del Rossi: Looks delicious.

Mrs. Michalchuk: Paige let’s hear your news.

Paige: Really it’s more of a dessert and coffee kind of thing.

Mrs. Michalchuk: Deans list? A bursary? New boyfriend hmm?

Paige: Who wants white and who wants dark?

Mr. Del Rossi: I’ll take white.

(Paige cuts the turkey and the stuffing explodes all over her.)

Dylan: I told you not to overstuff the bird.

(Paige runs upstairs while Alex laughs.)

Dylan: Traditional Michalchuk walnut stuffing.

Alex: We still have Brussels sprouts. Yummy.

Dylan: And carrots!

(Paige is upstairs freaking out and Marco goes to make sure she’s okay.)

Marco: Hey! Everybody is so worried about you. Except my pops who’s still you know, eating, but take that as a compliment.

Paige: I blew up a 20 pound turkey.

Marco: Yeah. Come on Paige, that’s not all that’s bothering you. What is it? What could possibly have my smart, beautiful, talented friend so down?

Paige: Don’t call me that. I am an idiot. I’ve fooled all of you.

Marco: You are too stressed. Is it school? All that work you brought home?

(Paige nods.)

Marco: Paige you’re not the only one. I’ll let you in on a little secret. Last week I got a C- on my psych paper.

Paige: I should drive back tonight.

Marco: What? Tonight? It’s three hours away.

Paige: It’s fine Marco. Um I’ll tell my parents and then go.

Marco: Are you sure? Hey you call me if you need to talk, alright?

Paige: Yeah.

(She starts packing and Marco goes downstairs.)

Outside, Peter is driving Darcy home

Peter: Yeah 250k an hour, 4 mods.

Darcy: You have never gone that fast.

(Peter starts revving his engine and two police officers pull up on bikes.)

Darcy: Peter, there are not enough airbags in this world!

(They knock on the window.)

Police officer: License and registration.

Darcy: What’d we do?

Peter: Just relax. They hassle you if you go faster than them.

Darcy: But they’re on bikes.

Peter: Yeah especially the ones on bikes.

Police officer: (On the radio system) We got a Peter Stone here. N31 Connaught Avenue please.

Police officer: Out of the car please.

Darcy: Why? We’ve stopped.

Police officer: Well your friend Peter here’s been driving with a suspended licence.

Darcy: It’s true?

(Peter nods and Darcy smashes the pie in Peter’s face.)

Darcy: I cannot believe I actually started to like you. You’ll never change.

In Paige’s dorm room

(Paige is spinning around in her chair and then knocks all her books into the trashcan, along with a candle that starts burning everything.)

Scenes for next week

Voiceover: Paige survives the fire.

(Her fire is being put out.)

Paige: I have got to do a 20-page essay. I am a flunking out failure.

Voiceover: But she still gets burned.

Professor James: I have seen this essay four times in the last two years.

Paige: You’re giving me a zero?

Voiceover: In more ways than one.

Paige: What am I going to do?

Alex: What do you want to do?

(Paige kisses Alex.)

Kikavu ?

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04.05.2019 vers 13h

Date inconnue

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !