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Répliques émouvantes

Episode 5 : Pride (Part 2)

¤ Marco : Spin, even strangers know, and last night, it wasn't about my shoes. Those guys... they knew . . and they bashed me because they hated. Just like you do!
Spinner : Dude, that's brutal. But you can't compare me with those guys.
Marco : Really? Why not?


Episode 8 : Whisper To A Scream

¤ Ellie : There is nothing wrong with me.
Paige : Then show me your arm. Please, Ellie, show me your arm.
(shows cut up arm)
Paige : Oh, Ellie.
(Ellie starts crying)
Paige : It's ok, it's ok.

¤ Mrs Sauvé : Well, time's up. The session is over.
Ellie : whispers I'm sorry. I've wasted your time...
Mrs Sauvé : No, that's okay. You'll talk when you're ready. But, you've got to remember to talk, and not cut. Well, bye. See you tomorrow?
Ellie : Tomorrow...


Episode 9 : Against All Odds

¤ Emma : You don't wanna be friends...
Manny : Not with a stuck-up prude princess.
Emma : Good, 'cause... I don't want to be friends with the school slut.


Episode 11 : Holiday (Part 1)

¤ Manny : I want you to dump Ashley. It's time, and I've been patient. I can't...
Craig : I can't make that choice.
Manny : I think you just did.

¤ Craig : Manny, stop, come on...
Manny : It's just, I love you Craig, and I thought you felt the same way.
Craig : I do, it's just...
Manny : Ashley, I know. And she might love you... But not as much as I do.

¤ Craig : Manny! I made a huge mistake. You're the one for me. Look, not Ash, and I'm gonna tell her that. OK, it's you. It's always been you.


Episode 12 : Holiday (Part 2)

¤ Craig : You told her.
Manny : No, no, I didn't.
Craig : Then how does she know?
Manny : Because you're stupid, Craig. You didn't think she'd find out about me. And you didn't think I'd find out about your lies.

¤ Joey : It's not about Sidney. It's over. It's about you and me.

¤ Joey : When I broke your heart those years ago, I thought I lost you forever, and I moved on.
Caitlin : Yet you're here with me in an airport on Christmas.
Joey : Yes, I am. I moved on, but I never left
Caitlin : I guess I better get my stuff of the plane then.
Joey : Merry Christmas
(They kiss)

Episode 15 : Accidents Will Happen (Part 2)

¤ Craig : Have you seen Manny?
Spinner : No, uh, seat's open though. Can I ask you a question dude?
Craig : Sure.
Spinner : [smacks Craig] Are you on crack?
Craig : Ow! What was that for?
Spinner : Dude, you got a girl pregnant and you're just walking around like lalala gonna be a dad no shlabooggle.
Craig : No, I'm not.
Spinner : Where's you're future dude? I mean no keg parties, no Spring Break in Florida...
Craig : For once I want to do the right thing, ya know?
Spinner : But you don't have to keep the kid. There are other things you can do.
Craig : This is what I want to do Spin. You don't get it.
Spinner : No I don't. At all.
Craig : You got a family, alright? I just stay at some guy's house. But Manny and the baby... they're mine. They're for me.

¤ Craig : (Craig tries to give Manny a hug) There she is!
Manny : Don't, Craig.
Craig : What's the matter?
Manny : I can't do this... I thought I could, but having a baby now...
Craig : You're not making any sense.
Manny : Someday, you're gonna be a great dad. And someday, I hope I'll be a mom, but now... now isn't someday yet.
(She starts walking away.)
Craig : (Craig runs after her) "No! No, you're not. (He starts shouting) Manny,   stop! No I won't let you!
(He grabs her arm)
Manny : No!
Emma : (Emma comes) Craig!
Craig : Emma! You butt out! What she's doing is wrong!
Emma : I agree with you, okay? If she was just some stranger I'd be furious with her but, she's my friend and it's her choice.
Craig : But it's my baby!
Emma : And it's Manny's body! What about her?
Manny : I just... I can't.


Episode 17 : Don't Dream, It's Over

¤ Rick : She called me a psycho.
Terri : That's just Paige being Paige.
Rick : And that makes it okay? My feelings mean nothing to you?
Terri : Woah. Rick....
Rick : Don't you dare choose Paige over me again! Don't you DARE.


Episode 19 : It's Raining Men

¤ JT : I'd really like it if you came.
Manny : Me too. But I can't.
JT : Why? Just tell me.
Manny : At school, when people talk about me... I walk. At a party, I'm stuck.
JT : Well, what if I told you that I wouldn't let anyone say anything about you?

¤ Dylan : I just wanted to tell you that there's someone I like.
Marco : I understand, I'm too young, too short, too girly...
Dylan : And way too hard on yourself.
Marco : Are you messing with me?
Dylan : Guilty as charged.

Ecrit par brucas59 

Répliques marrantes

Episode 1 : Father Figure (Part 1)

¤ Emma : Craig! What are you doing right now?
Craig : I'm going to art class.
Emma : Do you really wanna go?
Craig : Instead of...?
Emma : Finding my father. I've got his address.
(Craig looks uncertain)
Emma : Sean won't go. Manny's mom would kill her if she skipped.
Craig : Oh, yeah, and what do you think Joey's gonna do to me?
Emma : I can't go alone.
Craig : But... why me? I mean, you could ask JT... or Toby.
Emma : Because I thought you'd understand. With your dad and all.
(Craig smiles)
Craig : So, what are we waiting for?

¤ (looking at Degrassi High yearbook)
Craig : Oh My God. It's Joey! With hair!

¤ Spinner : C'mon JT, you'll love a locker in the main hallway. Do you like tough girls?
JT : Mehh...
Spinner : I said... Do you like tough girls?
JT : Do I!


Episode 3 : U Got The Look

¤ Emma : If your parent insist on buying tropical hardwood, tell them that by buying the toilet seat they're destroying the rainforest.

¤ Manny : I don't want to be adorable. Bunnies and puppies are adorable.
Paige : If you don't want to be cute, don't be. Just change your image, simple as that.

¤ Manny : Do you see any underwear?
Emma : No, but...
Manny : That's right. Because I'm not wearing any.


Episode 4 : Pride (Part 1)

¤ Paige : Ellie, hon, I thought vampires couldn't go out in the sun.

¤ Spike : If you are sick you cannot stay here. Jack just got over a cold.
Emma : Mom, Jack's not in a bubble.
Spike : Really. Do you want to breast feed him while he's running a fever?

¤ Spinner : I didn't mean 'homo' as in 'gay', I mean 'homo' as in...
Dylan : ...Milk?


Episode 5 : Pride (Part 2)

¤ Jimmy : What's your problem with Marco?
(points to bathroom wall with "Marco is a fag" that he'd written on it)
Spinner : That's my problem.
Jimmy : So Marco's a fag? What's your next one gonna say? Something about me being black?


Episode 6 : Gangsta Gangsta

¤ (JT has just had a wet dream)
Toby : Who was it about?
JT : Your mom.

¤ Toby : (JT, sleeping in the top bunk, has a wet dream about Liberty) You had a wet dream, three feet above my head?


Episode 8 : Whisper To A Scream

¤ Ellie's Mom : Don't cause a scene, Eleanor! Just shut up, smile, and wave.


Episode 9 : Against All Odds

¤ Jimmy : Your friend's gay, stop hating and just deal.

¤ Emma : I have NO chance with Chris! It's like he's on a different planet or something. A COOL planet. I'm on planet White Dork.

¤ Marco : No. Seeing naked ladies doesn't burn my eyes out. Besides, I wasn't looking at them.
Spinner : Then what were you looking at?
Marco : The drapes, Spin, the drapes.
(Spinner still doesn't get it)
Jimmy : ...He was looking at the DUDES.

¤ Marco : Just because you're a guy, doesn't mean I'm automatically attracted to you. Are you attracted to every girl?
Spinner : If they're hot.
Marco : Well... you're not.
Spinner : See that's where you're off-base. I mean, let's agree to disagree.

¤ Marco : Your hair? It's so last year, buddy. Your shoes? They never match... to tell you the truth, you're not even cute.

¤ Manny: One more thing: no talking about the environment, the environment is not sexy, do not talk about it.

¤ Spinner : I need to sleep in your bed.
: Spin, I like you, but not like that.


Episode 11 : Holiday (Part 1)

¤ Spinner : What's it like being a stud?
Craig : Nerve-racking.
Spinner : You have Ashley: gorgeous, smart, like a fine wine. Then you have Manny: cute, adorable, hot, like ice cream. But hot. Very hot.

¤ Spinner : Not to mention you're a big stud.
Craig : Well, I get around.

¤ Manny : You're late, and I'm freezing. So you need to warm me up!
Craig : I can do that.


Episode 12 : Holiday (Part 2)

¤ Ashley : ...Is it Craig?
: I'm so sorry. He didn't want me to say anything because he didn't want you knowing that he moved on so quickly.
: Moved on? We're still together. 

¤ Craig : Spinner, Shut up.
Spinner : Yes, Lord Stud.

¤ Sidney : [to Caitlin] Joe and this family need me. Not some charming, klutzy blast from the past. ME.

¤ Angela : Maybe Santa will have presents for Daddy.
Craig : It looks like he's getting his gift early.


Episode 14 : Accidents Will Happen (Part 1)

¤ Paige : Ask questions first. Get naked later.


Episode 15 : Accidents Will Happen (Part 2)

¤ (She walks up to Manny and Craig)
Ashley : What you reading guys? (She grabs baby name book from Craig)  So you need a name...   Hey everybody these two have an announcement to make guys! Guys aww... they're too modest. So I'll help spread the joy. These two idiots are pregnant. That's right cause its way to difficult to use a condom! I cant believe you slept with her.

¤ Liberty : (in her '50s outfit) Hey Sean, what do you say we ditch school and go chill in the ravine?
Sean : Liberty...
Liberty: I can get us a five-finger discount on a pack of smokes.
Jay : (laughs) A five-finger discount?
Liberty : Oh I'm edgy, I'm on fire.
Sean : Liberty, you're about as edgy as a butter knife.

¤ Craig : (through the baby monitor) Ew! I'm not touching that!
Manny : You have to wipe it!
Craig : But... it's green!
Manny : You shouldn't hold him like that until his diaper is...
Craig : Oh, no! Oh, nooooo! Oh, no-no-no-no-no! Ohhhhhhh! Crap!


Episode 16 : Take On Me

¤ Hazel : Why do you think I'm here?
Toby : Because your shoes didn't match your purse?

¤ Principal Daniel Raditch : (after being caught working out) It's a Swiss ball... from Switzerland!

¤ Jimmy : I dare you to kiss Toby.
Toby & Hazel : Jimmy!
Sean : On the lips! Like you mean it!

¤ Ellie : I didn't know the school had an elevator!
Jimmy : I didn't know we even had a basement!

¤ Jimmy : Hey Sean, do that impression of Raditch again.
Sean : It's a swiss ball!

¤ Toby : He scores... scores again that is... wait until I tell JT - he'll be so jealous.
Hazel : No, because you're not telling him.
Sean : Why? It's just some stupid dare.
Jimmy : Because she's too embarrassed to tell anyone she macked a total geek... even as a dare.
Sean : That's great, Hazel... very evolved.
Hazel : Hey, I don't make the rules.
Sean : No, you just follow them.


Episode 18 : Rock And Roll High School

¤ Craig : Ash, I swear, if you play that song in the competition, I'll...
Ashley : Have sex with MORE grade 9's?
Snake : Guys, settle down, please?
Craig : If you weren't such a prude, I'd NEVER have been with Manny
Ashley : (mocking him) Oh, but, I thought you loved her.
Craig : Oh, you know what? Go...
Snake : One more word, double homework!

¤ Craig : (after hearing Spinner and Jimmy's rap) That rap will never leave the garage.

¤ Craig : I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'M SORRY! How many times do I have to say it?
Ashley : Until you mean it.

¤ Ashley : (after hearing Craig's song) Nice lyrics. They were just right.


Episode 19 : It's Raining Men

¤ Dylan : (Spinner hugs him) What is this, hug the homo day?

¤ Marco : Spin, I hate bees. They're like flying death monkeys.

¤ Spinner : Ok I guess it's straight eye for the gay guy. Ok... this... Enrique called. He wants his shirt back. (He throws shirt on floor)   This, what is this? this is like the whole Oliver Twist thing. (In old English accent)   Please sir, do not wear this. You'll look like an idiot. (He throws shirt on the floor)   This... what are you doing? Wrestling cattle?
(Spinner goes to throw it, but Marco catches it)
Marco: Do not throw that.

¤ Spinner: Yeah, um, listen... I need to talk to you about your little friend Tommy boy... okay on the down low... the dude's got scabies.
Dylan: What?
Spinner: I saw him in the shower... it's sick... disgusting.

¤ Jay : [after seeing JT's commercial] Where's your dog, dog?
Sean : Has he been getting up in your fries?


Episode 22 : The Power Of Love

¤ Hazel : Brooks, what's the problem?
Jimmy : Let's see. I'm wearing a Sari, our limo driver just got arrested, and the school almost burned down.

Ecrit par brucas59 
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